Virtual Reality Prosthesis Training


David Boe
Momona Yamagami

Astrini Sie

Myoelectric prostheses cost the same as a new car, yet users are unable to take them for a test drive. The virtual prosthesis allows users to “try-before-buy” to discover for themselves whether the prosthesis will suit their needs. We seek to empower users – long time users or new users – to make these important decisions about their prosthetic care. Beyond simple exploration of prosthetic options, we seek to build a full virtual rehabilitation system that will guide patients through upper limb rehabilitation while providing valuable data to the rehabilitation care team.

Aim 1: Assess the effectiveness of virtual reality training in improving prosthetic function and control.

Aim 2: Assess the effect of using a virtual prosthesis on phantom limb pain.

Aim 3: Assess the predictive power of the virtual prosthesis through the use of standardized upper limb outcome measures.

Mentored by:

Eric Rombokas