August 7-10, 2014

Husky Union Building (HUB),
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington


Abstract deadline:             May 10, 2014

Abstract notifications:        June 1, 2014

Registration deadline:       June 5, 2014

Hotel reservation deadline:    June 10, 2014

Late registration deadline:     August 1, 2014

Pre-meeting trip:       August 6-7, 2014

Post-meeting trip:     August 10-12, 2014

The meeting is hosted by the Quaternary Research Center, College of the Environment at the University of Washington.

Online registration is now closed

Theme of the meeting: People and Processes in Quaternary Pacific Northwest

If climate shaped the long-term evolution of our species, what we found on reaching post-glacial North America from Asia was a rapidly evolving landscape being shaped by geologic forces such as volcanism, sea-level change, giant floods and isostatic adjustment to the recently melted Cordilleran Ice Sheet, all in a setting of strong and possibly sudden climate shifts. This drama took place on a broad stage but was particularly the case in the Pacific Northwest, early gateway to the west coast and home to men at least 14,500 years ago. In AMQUA 2014 we will consider the Quaternary geological and environmental processes that shaped the region, the animals that lived on it, and the late intrusion by humans.

The Quaternary Research Center

QRC is the original interdisciplinary center at the University of Washington, founded by Link Washburn, and has remained vital and relevant by evolving over the last 40 years from a department-like structure to an entrepreneurial organization.

We foster and promote interdisciplinary research within and across departments, through strategic investments in seed grants, expeditions, seminars and workshops, and through publication of the journal, Quaternary Research.

The American Quaternary Association

AMQUA is a professional organization of North American scientists devoted to studying all aspects of the Quaternary Period, the last 2 million years of Earth history. The Quaternary Period is significant because the Ice Age environmental changes associated with the growth and decay of continental glaciers were the backdrop for global changes in floral and faunal communities, including extinction of diverse megafauna, and for the evolution of modern humans and their dispersal throughout the world.

Local Organizing Committee

Alan Gillespie, Chair
David Montgomery, Program director
Derek Booth
Ben Fitzhugh
Brian Atwater
Eric Steig
Bax R. Barton

University of Washington, Editor of Quaternary Research
University of Washington
University of Washington, Editor of Quaternary Research
University of Washington, QRC Director
US Geological Survey
University of Washington, IsoLab
University of Washington, QRC, Burke Museum


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