Bunchgrass Ridge

Ecology and restoration of conifer-invaded meadows:
Research and adaptive management

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Bunchgrass investigators and students reach out to resource managers through periodic reports, presentations, and field tours. These reflect long-standing, collaborative relationships with the Central Cascades Adaptive Management Partnership, the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest-LTER, and the NW Oregon Ecology Group.

Cheryl Friesen, Research Liaison with the Willamette National Forest, plays a key role in creating opportunities for—and facilitating outreach to—scientists, land managers, and the public.

Bunchgrass Ridge has also served as a nucleus for related studies of meadow ecology and as a catalyst for broader implementation of meadow restoration practices in the western Cascade region.

A new direction for outreach engages high school students and educators in field research at Bunchgrass Ridge. In 2013, a new partnership with Oregon Natural Resources Education Program (ONREP) and funding from NSF (RET, RAHSS) brought a Sandy High School teacher and two students to Bunchgrass to participate in on-going research. In 2011, an enterprising undergraduate incorporated mentoring of a high school student in her project. For details on these projects, see links at right.

On this page:
Field tours
HJA Newsletter Cover
Andrews Forest
Newsletter 2013

Engaging high school
educators and students
Sandy High School trio at Bunchgrass Ridge
Mentoring as an element of student research
Reports (click thumbnail to download)  

New resultsA trait based approach
to understanding meadow
species abundance

Plant traits
NW Oregon Ecology Group
Newsletter ver. 14. p. 3.

New results Consequences of
limited light availability
on flower production

Light on flowering
NW Oregon Ecology Group
Newsletter ver. 14. pp. 5-6
Restoration of mountain
meadows at the HJA
Experimental Forest LTER
LTER News link
LTER Network News
Fall 2013, Vol. 26 No. 4

Gopher disturbance
& plant community dynamics
in montane meadows
Download NW ECO 11
NW Oregon Ecology Group
Newsletter 11, pp.3-4 (2012)

Tips on meadow restoration:
To seed or not to seed
Download NW ECO 10
NW Oregon Ecology Group
Newsletter 10, p. 7 (2011)
Research & adaptive
management at Bunchgrass
Download NW ECO 9
NW Oregon Ecology Group
Newsletter 9, pp. 2-3 (2010)
Fire, vegetation, & fuel
management in restoration
Download FS Brief 75
JFSP Fire Science
Brief No. 75 (2009)
Why are PNW mountain
meadows disappearing?
Download NPSO Bull. 2009
Native Plant Society
of Oregon Bulletin 42,
pp. 71, 76 (
Mountain meadows—
here today, gone tomorrow?
Download Science Findings 94
PNW Science Findings
Issue 94 (2007)
Final report to the Joint
Fire Science Program (2007)
Download JFSP Final Report
(Executive summary)
Restoration of dry,
montane meadows
Download NW ECO 4
NW Oregon Ecology Group
Newsletter 4, pp. 4-5 (2005)
2013 Tour
BG Tour 2013
2009 Tour
Field Tour Jul 2009
Field Tour Jul 2009

Presentations and field tours

Field Tour for HJA LTER Principal Investigators. 9 Aug 2013. Overview of meadow restoration studies at Bunchgrass Ridge. C.B. Halpern.

Presentation to USFS McKenzie River Ranger District, McKenzie Bridge, OR. 23 Sep 2010. Experiments in meadow restoration at Bunchgrass Ridge. C. B. Halpern. Presentation

Practical Approaches for Diagnosis and Treatment. McKenzie Bridge, OR. 14-15 Jul 2009. Bunchgrass Ridge site visit: Restoration of montane meadows through tree removal and prescribed fire. C. B. Halpern. Meadow Restoration Workshop

Back to the Future: Northwest Oregon Ecology Group Information-Sharing Workshop, Salem, OR. 23 Apr 2008. Bunchgrass Ridge: Understanding the past to guide the future. R. D. Haugo, C. B. Halpern, and N. L. Lang. Presentation

Site visit by Willamette National Forest Supervisor’s Office Review Team. 28 Jun 2007. Field tour of the Bunchgrass Ridge restoration experiment. C. B. Halpern.

Ecology of Openings: Northwest Oregon Ecology Group Information-Sharing Workshop, Salem, OR. 6 Apr 2006. Conifer encroachment of montane meadows: effects on vegetation, seed banks, and potential for restoration. R. D. Haugo, N. L. Lang, and C. B. Halpern. Presentation

Joint Fire Science Program Principal Investigator Workshop, San Diego, CA. 1-3 Nov 2005. Restoration of dry, montane meadows through prescribed fire, vegetation and fuels management: A program of research and adaptive management in western Oregon. C. B. Halpern, R. D. Haugo, N. L. Lang, J. A. Antos, K. M. Smith, F. J. Swanson, and J. H. Cissel. Poster

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