Thomas H. Gallagher, MD
General interest in ethical issues related to the doctor-patient relationship and to biomedical research. Special interests include conflicts of interest, managed care, medical errors, doctor-patient communication, and adverse events in biomedical research.
Recent Publications:
- Gallagher TH, Mello MM, Levinson W, Wynia M, Sachdeva AK, Sulmasy LS, Truog RD, Conway J, Mazor K, Lembitz A, Bell SK, Sokol-Hesner L, Shapiro J, Puopolo AL, Arnold R. Talking with patients about other clinicians’ errors. N Engl J Med 2013:369;1752-1757.
- Gallagher TH, Prouty CD, Brock DM, Liao JM, Weissman A, Holmboe ES. Internists’ attitudes about assessing and maintaining clinical competence. J Gen Intern Med. Dec 3, 2103.
- Gallagher TH, Levinson W. Physicians with multiple patient complaints: Ending our silence. BMJ Quality and Safety. Jul 2013;22(7)521-524.
- Iedema R, Allen S, Britton K, Piper D, Baker A, Grbich C, Allan A, Tuckett A, Williams A, Manias E, Gallagher TH. The ‘100 patient stories’ project: Patient and family member views on how clinicians (should) enact Open Disclosure-a qualitative study. BMJ 2011;343:d4423.
- Dudzinski DM, Hebert PC, Foglia MB, Gallagher TH. The disclosure dilemma: Large scale adverse events. NEJM 2010;363(10)978-986.
- Gallagher TH, Garbutt JM, Waterman AD, Flum DR, Larsen EB, Waterman BM, Dunagan WC, Fraser VJ, Levinson W. Choosing your words carefully; how physicians would disclose harmful errors to patients. Arch Intern Med. 2006;166:1585-1593.
- Gallagher TH. Clinical Crossroads: A 62 year-old woman with skin cancer who experienced wrong site surgery. JAMA. 2009;302(6):669-677.
- Gallagher TH, Studdert DM, Levinson W. "Disclosing harmful medical errors to patients." N Engl J Med 2007;356:2713-9.
- Gallagher TH, Waterman A, Ebers A, Fraser V, Levinson W. "Patients’ and physicians’ attitudes towards the disclosure of medical errors." JAMA, 2003;289:100-1007
- Gallagher TH, Garbutt JM, Waterman AD, Flum DR, Larsen EB, Waterman BM, Dunagan WC, Fraser VJ, Levinson W. "Choosing your words carefully; how physicians would disclose harmful errors to patients." Arch Intern Med. 2006;166:1585-1593.
- “Disclosing Medical Errors to Patients: Challenges and Opportunities in Graduate Medical Education.” Plenary Speaker, Patient Safety in GME meeting, University of New Mexico, 3/30/04.
- “Identifying and Safely Overcoming the Barriers to Disclosure.” Invited presentation, 6th Annual NPSF Patient Safety Congress, Boston, MA 5/4/04.
- “Teaching Ethics Through Effective Communication,” co-presenter, American Society of Bioethics and Humanities Annual Meeting, Philadelphia 10/28/04.
- “Alternatives to Litigation-Roundtable Discussion,” invited co-presenter, A Prescription for Patient Safety and Medical Liability: New Solutions to an Old Dilemma,” conference convened by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, Alexandria, VA; 11/8/04.
- “Should We Disclose Harmful Medical Errors to Patients, and If So How?” Invited presentation, ACGME Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL; 2/13/05
- “Enhancing the Process for Disclosing Harmful Medical Errors to Patients,” keynote speaker, Baptist Health South Florida, 3/9/05.
- “Searching for Safer Healthcare: A Leadership Forum,” Keynote speaker, SUNY Buffalo, 3/30/05.
- “Talking With Your Patients About Medical Mistakes,” Invited presentation, American College of Physicians Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 4/14/05.
- “Medical Errors in Oncology: Patients’ and Physicians’ Attitudes and Management Strategies,” Invited presentation, American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, Orlando 5/13/05.
- “US and Canadian Surgeons’ Attitudes Towards Disclosing Harmful Medical Errors to Patients.” Invited Grand Rounds presentation, Dept. of Surgery, Emory University, 7/27/05.
- “Error Disclosure and Apology Workshop”, Invited presentation, The Patient Safety Imperative, Harvard Medical School CME Course, Boston, 10/21/05.
- “Risk Managers’ and Physicians’ Attitudes Regarding Error Disclosure”, Invited presentation, ASHRM Annual Meeting, San Antonio, 10/24/05
- “Should Surgeons Disclose Harmful Medical Errors to Patients?, If So, How?”, Invited presentation, Surgical Caucus of the AMA, Dallas, 11/5/05.
- “What to Do With the Unanticipated Outcome? Does Apologizing Make A Difference? How Does Early Resolution Impact Settlement Outcome?” Invited presentation, Medical Liability and Healthcare Loss Seminar, Defense Research Institute Annual Meeting, 3/1/06.
- “Should We Disclosure Harmful Medical Errors to Patients?, If So, How?, Invited presentation, American Association of Physiatry Annual Meeting, 3/4/06.
- “Surgeons’ Disclosure of Harmful Errors to Patients: What is the data telling ?” Parviz Kamangar Humanities In Surgery Lectureship”, American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Meeting, 6/6/06.
Awards, Honors and Grants Received:
Select Awards and Honors:
- MITSS Hope Award, 2012
- Council, Society of General Internal Medicine, elected to 3-year term in 2010
- President, Society of General Internal Medicine Northwest Region, 2009
- Physician-Investigator of the Year Award, Society of General Internal Medicine Northwest Region, 2008
- Greenwall Foundation Faculty Scholars in Bioethics Award, 7/1/03-6/30/07
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Investigator Award in Health Policy Research, 2008
- Fellow, American College of Physicians, 2004
- Marion E. Smith Junior Faculty Research Award, University of Washington School of Medicine, 2003
- Best Published Research Paper of the Year, Society of General Internal Medicine, 2004.
- David E. Rogers Junior Faculty Education Award for outstanding workshop presented by a junior faculty member, Society of General Internal Medicine Annual National Meeting, 2001
Select Current Research Awards
- Principal Investigator, " Communication to Prevent and Respond to Medical Injuries: WA State Collaborative", Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 9/30/2013-9/29/2018
- Principal Investigator, " Developing Sound Regulatory Strategies for Responding to Medical Injuries", Greenwall Foundation, 1/1/2014-12/30/2014
- Principal Investigator, "Responding Justly to Patients Harmed By Medical Care: Disclosure, Compensation, and Litigation", Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Investigator Award in Health Policy Research, 6/1/2008-11/30/2014
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