Undergraduate Minor in Bioethics

The Minor in Bioethics is designed for students aspiring toward careers in the health sciences and the health professions. The program is one of the oldest programs of its kind in the United States. The curriculum for the Minor in Bioethics addresses ethical issues in health care, health policy, public health and the conduct of health sciences research; introduces ethical theories and methods of ethics analysis; and instills an appreciation of social and cultural issues that frame bioethical concerns. Course formats vary from small seminars that afford opportunities for peer learning to larger lecture-driven courses. The curriculum is taught by faculty from diverse disciplinary backgrounds who are experts in their respective fields.


Students are advised to plan ahead and work with the BH Minor Advisor to ensure completion of all requirements. Most students require at least two years and up to three years to complete the minor, since most courses are offered only once per year. The recommended pathway is to allow three years, beginning with 200-300 level courses during freshman and/or sophomore year. Juniors and Seniors should plan to enroll in 300-400 level courses. 



The Wylie Burke Endowed Scholarship for Diversity supports UW undergraduate and/or graduate students from diverse social and experiential backgrounds, who are working in interdisciplinary space to study the social, ethical, and policy implications of health research and/or healthcare. The $1,000 scholarship seeks to cover costs of tuition, books, fees, travel to professional meetings, and other educational expenses.

Declare the Minor

Program Entry Requirements:

  • Declared major 
  • Completed 45 credits

How to Declare the Minor:

Per UW policy, Minors are added with a Major Advisor. Please connect with your respective advisor and have them complete the One Departmental Signature Change of Major/Minor form on the Change of Major/Minor page.

Contact Us

Director of Undergraduate Studies: Dr. LaTonya Trotter

Email: ltrotter@uw.edu

Program Advisor: Denisse Guerrero-Harvey, M.Ed. (Senior Manager - Educational Programs)

Email: bhadvise@uw.edu

Minor in Bioethics Program Requirements and General Information


  • BH Minor Requirements:
    • 13 BH prefix course credits
    • 12 elective course credits
    • Minimum 15 credits (BH prefix and/or electives) at the 300-400 level
    • Minimum 2.0 GPA in course


  • Courses & Registration
    • Check the Course Schedule and Registration Deadlines quarterly
    • Register for all courses (except BH 499) within the first few minutes of your registration period--BH courses fill up quickly!




      BH 402 (5)

      BH 430 (3)

      BH 201 (2)

      BH 456 (5)

      BH 444 (3)

      BH 311 (3)

      BH 497 (2)

      BH 474 (5)

      BH 421 (5)


      BH 488  (3)

      BH 481 (3)

    • BH 499: Independent Study - Students interested in independent study (IS) have the option of requesting an opportunity to complete an independent study project under the sponsorship of a BH faculty sponsor (BH 499). IS enables students to investigate areas of intellectual interest that are substantially distinct from existing courses and/or to pursue modes of inquiry that are more intensive, specialized or innovative than those encountered in conventional course work. BH undergraduate research is open only to juniors and seniors and may not exceed 2 credits---5 credits max of BH 499 will count towards the minor. Before requesting IS, a student should have a well thought out project in mind on a particular topic of interest. Due to limited faculty availability for independent study, we encourage completing requirements for the minor by enrolling in regularly listed course offerings. The IS option requires a contract between the student and faculty sponsor that specifies a detailed program of reading and research, or a distinct project with a plan for meetings, papers and projects agreed upon at the outset.
      • Define your resarch project and review our faculty to determine who best relates to your project
      • Email the faculty member the following:
        • Will you be my BH 499 instructor?
        • How many credits can you commit to? (1 credits=3 hours of coursework/week)
        • How often should we meet?
        • What are the course delievables (one large paper, several essays, annotated bibliography, data collection/research)
      • If the faculty member agrees to be your BH 499 instructor, then have them email bhadvise@uw.edu and confirm that they will work with you and the amount of credits that you will earn for BH 499. The BH advisor will then register you for BH 499.


Undergrad Courses

This course is an examination of the ethical problem of allocating scarce medical resources. We will emphasize the fundamental principles of...
This course examines the moral grounds for the view that social inequalities in health are unjust using contemporary literature from moral...
This course introduces students to select biotechnology innovations and invites consideration of the ethical and policy implications...
This course examines the history of ideas, policies, and practices associated with eugenics and human genetics from the late nineteenth...
This course examines problems in bioethics from diverse global standpoints, including East Asian, Sub-Saharan African and Western. Our...
This course studies the major normative ethical theories, including both teleological and deontological approaches. We emphasize moral...
This course offers a case-based approach to ethical topics in medicine, such as abortion, genetic testing, physician-assisted death, and...
This course introduces students to bioethical questions that arise in public health, population health, and global health, situating ethical...