
This CV catalog is intended to make it easier to do followup work on candidate CVs by compiling available information from several catalogs and ongoing sky surveys. The AstroCats framework which the OCVC is built upon was developed by James Guillochon and Luke Zoltan Kelley (Harvard). The AstroCats framework which the OSC is built upon was developed by James Guillochon and Luke Zoltan Kelley (Harvard). Modifications to make the OVCV were made by Ryan Jackim and Ellis Avallone. Bryna Hazelton, Noah Benson and Aidan Beery assisted in the modification of the code as well as preparing the website.

At the moment, the data in this catalog was constructed by combining many publicly available data sources (“secondary” sources):

and from individual papers (“primary” sources), a complete list of which is available in our bibliography.

If you find the data presented here in this catalog to be useful, we ask that you please include a link to the catalog within your publication (URL: depts.washington.edu/catvar/) and a reference to the paper describing this catalog. But most importantly: Please cite the primary source papers that the data was originally presented in!

Software and tools used to construct the catalog

Many different open source software packages were used to construct the catalog, without these tools a catalog like this would not be possible. The list below should include most of the software we currently utilize.

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