Contemporary Graphic Arts




The Cultural Revolution came to an end with the death of Mao Zedong in 1976.  The responsibility for the decade of chaos was officially placed on the Gang of Four (Jiang Qing and three of her supporters), who were arrested and imprisoned.  The Communist Party now turned to the task of repairing its image and encouraging economic growth.  Hua Guofeng was made the chair of the Communist Party as Mao’s successor, but it soon became clear that real power lay with the vice-chair Deng Xiaoping, well-known for his pragmatic approach toward politics.  In December of 1978, at the historical Third Plenum of the Eleventh Party Central Committee, Deng announced that China would embark on the program of the "Four Modernizations" with the aim of becoming a powerful socialist nation in the forefront of the world.  Deng's policies set in motion an economic boom that continues to transform the face of Chinese society.  In the post-Mao era, the increase in wealth and the availability of new consumer goods is reflected in the variety of contemporary advertising.  

Four Modernizations Era

Contemporary Advertising