MEChA de UW Collection
These documents belong to Movimiento Estudiantil Chicana/Chicano de Aztlan de University of Washington and may not be reproduced without permission. Many were collected by Jesus Rodriguez. Oscar Rosales Castañeda is principal editor of this page. Click to enlarge and read documents. Some are in .pdf format.
UW Brown Beret poster (1970)
UMAS founding proposal for a Mexican American Studies Program (1969)
UMAS Constitution (1968)
Letter from ASUW giving UMAS official recognition as an organization (1968)
UMAS rap sheet (May 5, 1969)
UMAS rap sheet (May 27, 1969)
History of Mexican American Studies (c. 1969)
Lessons learned from the Counterrevolutionary Movement (1973)
MEChA constitution (c. 1971)
Pamphlet created by El Teatro del Piojo (1971)
Outreach letter to incoming students
Proposal for program in Seattle’s Chicano community (c. 1970)
Member rosters: Las Chicanas, Brown Berets, MEChA Board (c. 1972)
Member rosters: Chicano Studies, Graduate & Professional Student Senate (GPSS), Teatro del Piojo (c. 1972)
UW Brown Berets & Seattle Central Community College MEChA (c. 1972)
Announcement from La Chispa
Draft of article on Grad Students for the MEChA Newsletter (1974)
MEChA press release (1975)
MEChA resolution (1975)
Notes on MEChA (c. 1974)
Semana de La Raza (1975)
Front page of proposal for Semana de La Raza (c. 1970)
SCCC MEChA’s Chicano week (1975)
MEChA History written by a member of MEChA’s executive board (1987)
Flyer for the Coalition for Equal Education
Letter sent to Herman Lujan from the Chicano Community (1980)
Newsletter from El Centro de La Raza (early 1980s)
Principles of El Centro de La Raza (early 1980s)
UW MEChA Newsletter (1976)
“Batalla” UW MEChA Newsletter (1976)
“El Jalapeño,” UW MEChA Newsletter (1979)
“El Jalapeño,” UW MEChA Newsletter (1979)
“El Jalapeño,” UW MEChA Newsletter (1980)
UW MEChA Newsletter (1981)
MEChA leaflet (2002)
Grape Boycott Bulletin, Special Collections, UW Library
The HUB Boycott Steering Committee produced at least seven "Boycott Bulletins" to keep students up to date on the progress of its grape boycott during Winter Quarter, 1969. The following copies have been culled from multiple sources in the manuscripts collections of the University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections Divisions. It is as close to a complete set of these rare newsletters that we have so far been able to bring together. For more information on the boycott, see Jeremy Simer's La Raza Comes to Campus.