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Tables of Potential Data Sources

| Demographic & Socioeconomic Data | | Health Statistics | | Nutrition Program Data | | Community Resources | 

This page was developed by Shirley Broughton, RD MPH as part of her MPH practicum experience at the University of Washington. 

Demographic and Socioeconomic Data

Data Description Notes on Usage Source of Data
Population Characteristics Census data Estimates from non-census years, Total of people in county categorized by racial/ethnic group & sex Department of Health Center for Health Statistics
Per capita income Census data Per household and family type Census Data
Employment/Unemployment rate Census data   Bureau of Research and Statistics 
Occupations/ major employers County Statistics   County planning office, Department of Labor
Housing   Kitchen Facilities, Low income housing available Census Data
Poverty data Census data % below poverty level by household Census Data
Education Literacy rate Census data Educational attainment Census Data
Languages spoken other than English Census data   Census Data
Geographic Characteristics County Statistics Community types (urban, suburban, rural), Pockets of Poverty County Planning Office
Public Transportation County Statistics Type and availability County Planning Office

Health Statistics

Data Description Notes on Usage Source of Data
Ten leading causes of death Vital Statistics Accuracy of coding on death certificates VISTA ,CHARS
Birthrate, Number of Live Births, Maternal mortality rate, Infant mortality rate Birth Records By age and ethnicity of mother BERD (Birth Event Records Database), PRAMS
Low-birth weight infants   < 2500 grams by ethnicity  
Days lost from School     School Districts
Days lost from Work Census Data   Vital and Health Statistics
Bed Disability Days, Disability Days, Days of Restricted Activity     Vital and Health Statistics
Food Safety and Food Borne Illness Communicable Disease Data Camphobacter, Ecoli 0157:h7, Hepatitis A ,Salmonella VISTA

Nutrition Program Data

Data Description Notes on Usage Source of Data
The Food Stamp Program Monthly Participation by Age Indicates need for food though not an indicator of absolute need DSHS
WIC Supplemental Food Program for Women Infants and Children Number participating monthly Weight gain in pregnancy Low hematocrit breastfeeding DOH Local WIC agencies
National School Lunch and School Breakfast Program Number schools with program Number of applicants Average daily participation Trends can indicate a change in need Limitations because some eligible students do not apply especially high school age OSPI
USDA Summer Food Service Program Number of sponsors and sites Number of meals served Number of days operated Trends can indicate a change in need Funding may influence participation OSPI
Child and Adult Care Feeding Program Number of sponsors and sites Number of meals served Number of days operated   OSPI
Congregate Meals Program Annual participation total by age Annual number of meals served Not an indicator of need Waiting lists help indicate unmet need Division on Aging and Adult Services
Home Delivered Meals Annual number of meals served    
Emergency Food Soup kitchens Food Banks Number of distribution sites Number of meals served Trend data indicates change in food access, Figures may contain duplication if services obtained more than once a year or once a month Local Food banks Emergency Food Relief

Community Resources

Data Description Notes on Usage Source of Data
Primary Care Services Hospitals, clinics, outpatient services, Health plans Home Health agencies Specialty clinics, Health personnel Private and Public Service areas, Department of Health, Provider licensing, Hospital Financial and Utilization Data
Access to Nutrition Resources Local nutritionists and dietitians Number of registered dietitians per population base Local district dietetic associations 
(See WSDA home page)
  Community Resources Number of available classes in nutrition Cooperative extension, Voluntary Health Agencies, Other Nutrition Groups
  Education System Amount of nutrition included in curriculum, Special Nutrition Education Training Program projects, Other Consumer Education programs School Districts
Food Distribution System Location and types of stores Costs of foods average retail prices Types of food available County Environmental Health
Location and types of restaurants Number of restaurants with modified menus   Local Heart Association
Physical and recreational facilities Access to physical recreational facilities   Parks and recreation 
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Last revised: 04/12/99
Comments: Donna Johnson (