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Nutrition Assessment Education Project

Clark County
The Heart Healthy Community Program

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BRFSS Results for Clark County

| Fruit and Vegetable Intake | | Weight Control | | Preventive Counseling Services
| Tobacco | | Physical Activity |

Fruit and Vegetable Intake

Servings per Day of Fruits, Vegetable, and Fruit Juices 
5 or More 24%
4 - 4.9 22%
3 - 3.9 1%
2 - 2.9 21%
1 - 1.9 2%
  • 1994 BRFSS data found that 78% of adults did not eat at least 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables.
  • Women reported eating fruit and vegetables (except for potatoes and carrots) more often than men.
  • Fruit and vegetable consumption increased with higher household incomes.

Weight Control

Trying to lose weight:
Total % of respondents 40%
Men 31%
Women 48%
Weight Loss Methods:
Less fat and few calories 47%
Less fat 36%
Few calories 8%
Not through diet 8%
Using exercise 74%
Not using exercise 25%
Using self reported weights, 28% of respondents in Clark County were classified as overweight, if overweight is defined as body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 27.8 for men and 27.3 for women. (BMI=kg/m2). The national BRFSS in 1994 found 27% of all US respondents and 25% of Washington State respondents classified as overweight. In Clark County the groups most likely to be overweight were: 
  • Those with annual household incomes under $35,000 (39% overweight compared to 21% of those with incomes greater than $35,000.
  • Men (36% compared to 21% of women)
  • Those 35 years of age and older (32% compared to 1% of those under age 35)
  • Those who did not graduate from college (32% compared to 18% of college grads)

Preventive Counseling Services

When did a doctor last discuss your Diet? 
Never 69%
Within past year 13%
1-3 years 8%
3 or more years 10%
When did a doctor last discuss exercise? 
Never 61%
Within past year 19%
1-3 years 11%
3 or more years 9%
When did a doctor last discuss smoking? 
Never 69%
Within past year 13%
1-3 years 8%
3 or more years 10%
To lower your risk of developing heart disease or stroke, has a doctor advised you to: 
Eat a less high fat diet or less cholesterol? 27%
Exercise more? 24%
To lower your risk of developing hear disease or stroke, are you: 
Eating a less a high fat diet or less cholesterol? 68%
Exercise more? 47%

Tobacco Use

Smoking Habits
Never Smoked 52%
Formerly Smoked 24%
Currently Smoke 24%

Physical Activity in Past Month

Participate in regular and sustained activity 30 or more minutes per session, 5 or more times per week 23%
Participate in regular activity 20 or more minutes per session, 3 or more times per week 27%
Participate in irregular activity Less than 3 times per week or for less than 20 minutes per session 29
No physical activity in past month 19
  • Those who reported engaging in no physical activity were more likely to be older than 65, non-college grads, and those with household incomes under $20,000.
What type of physical exercise did you spend the most time doing during the past month?  
What type of physical exercise did you spend the next most time doing during the past month? 
Participated in the Most
Participated in 2nd Most
Gardening/Yard Care
Weight Lifting
Bicycle Machine
Bicycling for Pleasure
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Last revised: 04/13/99
Comments: Donna Johnson (djohn@u.washington.edu)