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Kids Fitness Program

Evaluation Tool

  • Kid's Fitness is a program designed to encourage children kindergarten through 5th grade to engage in some type of physical activity for 30 minutes a day, eat a variety of foods from the five food groups, and not smoke.
  • Please help us evaluate the program by assisting your child in answering the following questions. Return it to your child's fitness instructor by April 23. If you have any questions please call ------. Thank you for your time.
  • How many fruits and vegetables should you eat a day?
  • How many days a week should you do something fun and active to stay healthy?
Do fruits and vegetables have to be fresh to be good for you?
Will drinking milk, eating cheese, and exercising make your bones stronger?
Is cleaning your room a physical activity?
Can smoking make it hard for you to breathe?
Are you eating more fruits and vegetables as a result of what you learned in Kids Fitness?
Are you more physically active as a result of what you have learned in Kids Fitness?

What did you like the most about Kids Fitness? 
What did you like the least? 

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Last revised: 04/14/99
Comments: Donna Johnson (djohn@u.washington.edu)