Local Links:  The Washington State Community 
Nutrition Assessment Education Project

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Classic Community Nutrition Assessment Experience

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Nutrition Resources in Whatcom County

A telephone survey was used to assess sources of nutrition services and information for the residents of Whatcom County. The results are compiled in the following table: 
Organization Who Receives Services/ Information Who Provides Services/  Information Topics Marketing
St. Joseph Hospital Individuals Registered Dietitian Weight management 
Eating disorders 
Clinical conditions
Physician referral 
Local paper
Lifequest Groups Registered Dietitian, 
Health Educators
Weight control 
YWCA General Public Registered Dietitian Consultant, Community Health Educator Encore for Girls (lifestyle habits and body image) 
Cervical and Breast Cancer
Local newspaper 
Reader boards
YMCA General Public Registered Dietitian, 
Public Health Professional
Weight loss 
NW Regional Council AAOA Seniors Geriatric Nutrition Specialist Food Assistance 
Low cost cooking 
Case management referrals 
Public speaking 
Word of mouth
Whatcom County Community College General Public Registered Dietitian, 
Health Educators
Aging Gracefully 
Low fat cooking
Local newspaper 
Bellingham Technical College General Public Nurses, 
Health Educators
Childbirth and parenting classes 
Senior fitness classes 
Dietary Manager & Culinary arts classes
Quarterly Flyers
Fairhaven Club Members Lifestyle Management and Medical Exercise Specialist Weight control 
Media fads
Referrals from fitness appraisal & personal trainer
World Gym Members Personal trainer, computer program Nutrition counseling  Membership consultation
Bellingham Athletic Club Members Exercise Physiologist, RN, Hypnotherapist Supplementation 
Metabolic Profile
Community Food Co-op Members Self taught staff nutritionist Allergy Class 
Cooking with alternative products
Signs in store
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Last revised: 04/20/99
Comments: Donna Johnson (djohn@u.washington.edu)