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The R/V Robert Gordon Sproul is a University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (U.N.O.L.S.) research vessel operated out of Scripps Oceanographic Institute in San Diego, CA. Our sedimentological, geochemical, microbial and ecological and some geophysical investigations were based on the Sproul. The scientific accomplishments of CRETM-LMER would not have been possible without the phenomenal support of the Sproul and her crew.
Also a U.N.O.L.S. vessel, the R/V Clifford Barnes is operated out of the University of Washington's School of Oceanography in Seattle, WA. Geophysical investigations were conducted on the Barnes. As with the Sproul, CRETM-LMER owes much of its success to this capable U.N.O.L.S. vessel and crew.
The M/V Snowgoose is a charter vessel that CRETM-LMER utilized for geophysical investigations during the 1990-1994 period.

Aerial Views Fraser River Cruise Industry on the Columbia People Sampling Sampling Sites Scenic