CTRL members receive A&A Student Excellence Award!

Congratulations Danny and Chris!

Congratulations Danny Broyles and Chris Hayner for receiving A&A Student Excellence Awards! These awards recognize outstanding contributions from students in three critical areas of academic work – research, teaching and service. Students were nominated by faculty, staff, supervisors, and peers.

Danny receives the award for excellence in service. This award recognizes consistent commitment to and achievements in furthering our department’s public service mission. This can include advancing an inclusive climate and culture, providing public outreach and education, leadership in student organizations or activities and/or mentoring of students.

Chris receives the award for excellence in research. This award recognizes distinguished achievements and sustained progress in research in the A&A Department. Major selection criteria include overall quality of research, significance of the work to the Department and to the field and publications and professional presentations pertaining to the research.

Check out the department news article to find out more.