Chris Hayner

Co-advised with Behcet Acikmese

Chris is a graduate student in the Aeronautics & Astronautics Department. He is broadly interested in guidance, navigation, and perception. His research vision is to couple the flexibility of learning-based methods of state estimation with the robustness and provability of convex optimization-based methods of guidance for safety-critical applications (e.g. Powered-Descent Guidance, Human-Robot Interactions). His specific areas of interest are:

  • Integrating contextual information into computer vision methods: Using non-vision-based sensors and data to aid computer vision methods to enable agents to make informed decisions in dynamic environments.
  • Advancing multi-modal sensor fusion methods: Introducing computer vision methods to efficiently use multiple modalities to ensure robustness in uncertain and adverse environments.
  • Perception constraints for real-time optimization-based trajectory planning: Formulating convex constraints to optimally use visual-based sensors in performing real-time environment-aware trajectory planning for autonomous agents.

Chris is currently a NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunities (NSTRGO) fellow.


  1. WiSARD: A Labeled Visual and Thermal Image Dataset for Wilderness Search and Rescue
    Broyles, D.*, Hayner, C.*, and Leung, K.
    In IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots & Systems, 2022
  2. HALO: Hazard-Aware Landing Optimization for Autonomous Systems
    Hayner, C. R., Buckner, S. C., Broyles, D., Madewell, E., Leung, K., and Açıkmeşe, B.
    In Proc. IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2023
  3. Continuous-Time Line-of-Sight Constrained Trajectory Planning for 6-Degree of Freedom Systems
    Hayner, C. R., Carson, J., Açıkmeşe, B., and Leung, K.

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