Dawg Prints [UW Creative Communications]

September 29, 2016

DawgPrints/Blackboard Outage Tonight

Filed under: Uncategorized — Aaron Johnson @ 2:50 pm

Hi Everyone,

Blackboard for the university will be down tonight for server maintenance. The projected outage will be from 11pm to 5am.

Once the Blackboard system comes back online printing return to normal.

This update is out of our control and we apologize for the inconvenience.

-Your DawgPrints Team

August 29, 2016

DawgPrints maintenace

Filed under: Uncategorized — Aaron Johnson @ 11:57 am

2:56 pm

Maintenance is now complete. Thank you for your patience. You may need to reboot your release station if it is not working properly. If you have issues with anything not working at this point please email uwcshelp@uw.edu.

12:12 pm

Maintenance is on going well. Some functionality has been restored and people with DawgPrints credit should be able to print at the moment. We are still seeing an issue with our Blackboard connection, however. The system may go down again in the next few hours as we continue to troubleshoot the Blackboard connection issue.

We will update this post as progress is made.


Greetings DawgPrints Customers,

We will performing maintenance on all DawgPrints servers on Tuesday August 30th. The current maintenance window is 10 am to 4 pm. All DawgPrints printing on all UW campuses will be impacted during that window.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you,

Your DawgPrints Team

August 3, 2016

New Packages!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Aaron Johnson @ 2:41 pm

Hello DawgPrints Customers,

We have completed the first stage of the DawgPrints migration plan.

Packages for most libraries are now available in the usual location to download for your use (http://dawgprints.washington.edu/locations). More locations are being added over the rest of the summer. If you don’t see your location yet we will be getting to it soon. Finally, the Mac and Windows packages are built and tested differently, they might not come out at the same time.

In an effort to reduce the number of packages and to promote Green Printing, most print packages now default to double sided. This can be changed in the print options when you go to print a document.

If you notice any issues with the the packages please send us an email at uwcshelp@uw.edu.

More updates to come!

Thank you,

Your DawgPrints Team

June 17, 2016


Filed under: Uncategorized — Aaron Johnson @ 9:21 am

10:08 – All printing should now be back online.


We will be performing maintenance on the DawgPrints servers this morning. Printing will be up an down across Seattle, Bothell, and Tacoma campuses for the next hour or so.

Once maintenance is complete we will update this post.

-Your DawgPrints Team.

June 15, 2016

Some release stations down

Filed under: Uncategorized — Aaron Johnson @ 10:27 am

5:33 – All printing should now be back online.


3:42 pm – We are still looking into this issue. No ETA on resolution.


We are receiving reports that some release stations are only showing a blank windows screen. We are looking into the issue and will update this post as we know more.


-Your DawgPrints team

June 14, 2016

Changes to DawgPrints

Filed under: Uncategorized — Aaron Johnson @ 12:33 pm

Hello DawgPrints Customers,

We are here today to let you know that exciting changes are coming to the DawgPrints program. While not all of the changes are ready to to go today, we are in the process of updating all of the DawgPrints locations.

Starting this week (June 13th) we will be replacing all of the existing DawgPrints locations on the Seattle campus with new version of the DawgPrints software. This will necessitate bringing down each location, one at a time, and migrating it to the new system. While each location is down, printing will be unavailable. Once the migration in complete any existing DawgPrints printers you have installed will NO LONGER WORK. However, you will still be able to print from all existing library locations. We are working directly with the libraries in order to ensure as little down time a possible. All locations will continue to operate as normal, except on the day when we migrate that location.

Because of the changes to the system, it will necessary for anyone printing from their personal laptop to install the new driver packages. Currently those packages are only available to the libraries in order to facilitate the transition to the new system. The new packages WILL be made available to students via the current location in the coming weeks. We will post another alert once the packages are available again.

As the new DawgPrints functionality comes online we will continue to use DawgPrints Alerts to keep everyone update.

If you have any questions, please contact us at: uwcshelp@uw.edu

Thank you for your time and patience with this process.

-Your DawgPrints Team

May 6, 2016

Emergency Maintenance – May 6th 2PM

Filed under: Uncategorized — Aaron Johnson @ 1:51 pm

One of the current DawgPrints servers is behaving erratically. We will be restarting it today (May 6th) at 2PM. This will only impact part of the DawgPrints program and total downtime should be less than 15 minutes.

We will update this post when the server is back online.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

-Your DawgPrints Team


Update at @ 2:17

All printing should be back to normal.

March 22, 2016

DawgPrints Maintenance – March 22nd 1pm to 6pm

Filed under: Uncategorized — Aaron Johnson @ 9:37 am

DawgPrints and all related services will be down for extended maintenance Tuesday March 22nd. All DawgPrints printing will be down from 1PM until 6PM today.

We will update this post when the maintenance is completed.

Thank you for your understanding.

-Your DawgPrints Team


4:40 pm

All maintenance has been completed. Printing should be functioning normally across campus now.

-Your DawgPrints Team

March 18, 2016

Intermittent issues with printing

Filed under: Uncategorized — Aaron Johnson @ 10:36 am

We are noticing some issues with printing across the Seattle campus. We are actively looking into the issue and will update this alert when we know more.

-Your DawgPrints Team


2:22 pm

All printing should be functioning properly now.

February 2, 2016

Dawg Prints currently down (RESOLVED)

Filed under: Uncategorized — almond @ 1:01 pm

Housing & Food Services has resolved the Blackboard outage.  All Dawg Prints services should be up and running.

Thank you for your patience!

–Dawg Prints staff


We have received reports from all UW campuses that Dawg Prints is currently down.  We are working with Housing & Food Services to correct this matter.

Please check back here for any updates.  Thank you!

–Dawg Prints staff

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