Dawg Prints [UW Creative Communications]

March 24, 2014

RESOLVED: Server Upgrade

Filed under: Uncategorized — c2help @ 7:44 am

UPDATE: (8 AM): We fixed the problem and confirmed no further issues with the libraries. No additional complaints were registered overnight so this is resolved.

UPDATE (11:40 AM): We’ve several reports of a “System cannot find specified file” error at the release stations and are working on it now.

UPDATE: We have successfully upgraded the print servers. If there are any problems, slow downs, etc please let us know.

UPDATE: We have resolved some issues with the first print server we migrated. We are now switching over the main print server for the libraries. I except a downtime of less then 5 minutes. Sorry for the inconvenience!


We are moving to upgrade our print servers this morning. We expect a short outage that will last at most 30 minutes before printing is resumed. If you experience long lasting issues please let us know!

March 20, 2014

Scan Station Email Issues

Filed under: Uncategorized — c2help @ 12:04 pm

We are currently experiencing issues where users can’t log in to the email function at the scan stations. UW IT is having issues with their servers and are working on the issue. We will update this post when anything changes.

Update: we haven’t heard anything official but locations report that email appears to be working normally again. For the moment assume the Scan Stations work as expected.

UPDATE: MobilePrint – update

Filed under: Uncategorized — c2help @ 10:14 am

We’re going to take MobilePrint offline for a few minutes to update some related components. This will not effect regular DawgPrints service in any library or computer lab.

UPDATE: MobilePrint is now back online.

March 12, 2014

Station Update: Results

Filed under: Uncategorized — c2help @ 7:20 am

The update to the dawgprints stations that was applied last night was successful. I am noticing that there are many print stations that are reporting offline. Everything should work again if you turn on the computer. If you experience any problems please let us know at uwcshelp@uw.edu


March 11, 2014

Station Updates

Filed under: Uncategorized — c2help @ 3:17 pm

I just wanted to let everyone know that we are pushing out an update for our stations. It updates one of our custom scripts to increase reliability and security. It fixes the problems with the black screen that requires a logoff to fix. If the problem occurs the pharos software will automatically start up again.

March 10, 2014

RESOLVED: Library Slow Downs

Filed under: Uncategorized — c2help @ 11:39 am

RESOLVED: We have now observed printing to be going at normal speeds. Sorry for any inconvenience.


UPDATE: We just finished restarting several services and are looking into the problem to see if it was resolved.


We just got reports of slow printing in the libraries. We are currently working on the issue. I am about to restart several services on our server so printing may be offline for a minute or two. During this period jobs that are currently being printed may be lost, email uwcshelp@uw.edu for a refund.


February 24, 2014

Foster Color Printer Down

Filed under: Uncategorized — c2help @ 1:48 pm

The color printer at Foster business library is currently out of order.


February 18, 2014

Engineering Library down

Filed under: Uncategorized — c2help @ 3:10 pm

The engineering library printer is currently down for maintenance. We will have the part that needs to be replaced out there tomorrow morning.

Suzzallo printing problems

Filed under: Uncategorized — c2help @ 12:43 pm

We had a short problem with one of the release stations in Suzzallo not connecting to the printer. Everything is back online now.


February 12, 2014

RESOLVED: Network Problem

Filed under: Uncategorized — c2help @ 3:20 pm

RESOLVED: Everything is back online. If you are stuck on the log on screen a restart should fix this problem.


UPDATE: One of our hosts got disconnected from a datastore causing a few servers to crash. Our host is restarting now and we should have things reconnected and turned on in 15 minutes.


We are experiencing a small network problem. Printing services were knocked offline during a network upgrade being performed. I expect to have it back online within a few minutes.


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