Conference Papers

Journal Papers


Fully Refereed Conference Proceedings

  • Brunette, W, Gottlieb, AH, Gerard, W, Anderson, R, Hicks, M., Boriello, G., Kolko, B. (2010). "Portable Antenatal Ultrasound Platform for Village Midwives." ACM Computing for Development Conference. Forthcoming December 2010.
  • Putnam, C. & Kolko, B. (2010). "What Exactly is ‘The Internet"?: The Social Meaning of ICTs and Their Ability to Impact Development , ." Information and Communication Technologies and Development Conference. Forthcoming December 2010.
  • Anderson, R.E., Poon, A., Lustig, C., Brunette, W., Salihbaeva, O., Johnson, E., Putnam, C., Boriello, G., & Kolko, B. E. (2010). "Experiences with a Transportation Information System that Uses Only GPS and SMS." Information and Communication Technologies and Development Conference. Forthcoming December 2010.
  • Putnam, C. & Kolko B. (2009). Getting Online but still living offline: the complex relationship of technology adoption and in-person social networks. In Proceedings of Advances in Social Networks and Mining, ASONAM '09. pp. 33-40.
  • Putnam, C., Kolko, B., Rose, E. & Walton, R. (2009). Mobile phone users in Kyrgyzstan: A case study of identifying user needs and requirements. In Proceedings of International Professional Communication Conference, IPCC '09, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 20-22. np. (6267 words).
  • Driesbach, C., Walton R., Kolko, B., & Seidakmatova, A. (2009). Asking Internet Users to Explain Non-Use in Kyrgyzstan. In Proceedings of International Professional Communication Conference, IPCC '09, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 20-22. np. (4124 words).
  • Anderson, R.E., Poon, A., Lustig, C., Brunette, W., Boriello, G., & Kolko, B. E. (2009). "Building a Transportation Information System Using Only GPS and Basic SMS Infrastructure." In Proceedings of ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development, ICTD '09, Doha.Qatar, April 17-19, 2009. pp. 233-242. Acceptance rate 18%.
  • Kolko, B. & Putnam,C. (2009). Computer Games in the Developing World: The Value of Non-Instrumental Engagement with ICTs, or Taking Play Seriously. In Proceedings of ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development, ICTD '09, Doha.Qatar, April 17-19, 2009. pp. 46-55. Acceptance rate 18%.
  • Best, M., Thakur, D., & Kolko, B. (2009). "The Contribution of User Based Subsidies to the Impact and Sustainability of Telecenters – the eCenter Project in Kyrgyzstan." In Proceedings of ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development, ICTD '09, Doha.Qatar, April 17-19, 2009. pp. 192-200. Acceptance rate 18%.
  • Kolko, B.E., Rose, E.J., & Johnson, E.J. (2007). Information Seeking as Communication: The Case for Mobile Social Software in Developing Regions." Proceedings of the 16th Annual IW3C2/ACM International WWW Conference (WWW2007). pp. 863-872. Acceptance rate14.7%.
  • Kolko, B.E., Johnson, E.J., & Rose, E.J. (2007). Mobile Social Software for the Developing World. Proceedings of HCI International. Vol. 4564. Springer Berlin. pp. 385-394.
  • Chen, V. H., Duh, H. B., Kolko, B., Whang, L. S., & Fu, M. C. (2006). Games in Asia project. In CHI '06 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Montréal, Québec, Canada, April 22 - 27, 2006). CHI '06. ACM, New York, NY. pp. 291-294.
  • Wei, C. & Kolko, B.E. (2005). "Studying Mobile Phone Use in Context: Cultural, Political, and Economic Dimensions of Mobile phone use." Proceedings from the Annual IEEE IPCC Conference. July 2005. (4690 words)
  • Kolko. B.E. & Thayer, A. (2003). "Games as Technological Entry Point: A Case Study of Uzbekistan." Proceedings of the Digital Games Research Association. Utrecht University. 19 pages.
  • Spyridakis, J.H., Wei, C., & Kolko, B.E. (2003)."The Relationship of Culture and Information-Seeking Behavior: A Case Study in Central Asia." Adjunct Proceedings of HCI International 2003, Crete University Press. pp. 167–168.
  • Kolko, B.E. (2002). "International IT Implementation Projects: Policy and Cultural Considerations." Proceedings from the Annual IEEE IPCC Conference, Portland, OR, September 2002. pp. 352-359.
  • Kolko, B.E. & Whang, L. (2002). "Assessing Reliability and Credibility for Online Engineering Resources." American Society for Engineering Educators Annual Conference Proceedings. 7 pp; session 1520.