Further information Available  
These resources were not utilized by us and are a source of further information. In addition to these sources, further research in the field is needed to determine applicability.

Bevis, F. B. "Ecological Considerations in the Management of Wastewater-Engendered
Volunteer Wetlands". Michigan Wetlands Conference, MacMullan Center, Higgins
Lake, MI. 1979.

Campbell, Craig S. and Ogden, Michael H. Constructed Wetlands in the Sustainable Landscape. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons. 1999.

Moshiri, Gerald A. (ed). Constructed Wetlands for Water Quality Improvement. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, Inc. 1993.

Reed, S.C., E.J. Middlebooks, R.W. Crites. The Natural Systems for Wastewater Management and Treatment. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.1988.

United States Environmental Protection Agency. Guidance for Design and Construction
of a Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland. EPA906R93002. US EPA Region 6
Water Quality Management Division.1455 Ross Ave.Dallas, TX 75202-2733.

Utherland, J. C., and F. B. Bevis, "Reuse of Municipal Wastewater by Volunteer Fresh-
Water Wetlands." Proceedings of Wetland Reuse Symposium, Vol. 1. AWWA
Research Foundation. Denver, CO. (1979) : 762-781.