Construction Case Studies


Below are links to case studies of recently built Pacific Northwest landscape architecture projects, with sustainable strategies and construction processes highlighted.  Students interviewed designers, contractors and users to learn design and construction insights, which they relate to built project outcomes in their illustrated case study reports.  
Seattle City Hall MORE>>
Explore the design and construction of "Seattle's living room", including the building and integration of a new green roof.


Pritchard Beach MORE>>
Pritchard Beach Wetland is a successful model for wetland habitats in the urban landscape.
Sylvan Grove Theater MORE>>
The historic Sylvan Grove Theater is currently being renovated into what will hopefully become a more spacious, light, and symmetrical space.
High Point MORE>>
High Point is an ambitious project that incorporated a number of sustainable practices into its construction.
Vine Street MORE>>
A revolutionary model for what a "green street" could be, there are many lessons to be learned from the design and construction process of the Vine Street Cistern Steps.