Case studies  

Composting Dog Waste, Fairbanks : This study was started in 1993, by the Soil Conservation District after receiving a grant from the EPA. The goal was to help maintain clean water in Fairbanks , AK . Research was conducted on large groups of dogs associated with mushers. The preceding problem was that piles of manure reappeared as snow melted, and runoff put contaminants directly into wetlands and streams. This study has was the first scientific research project looking at the applicability of dog manure composting. It is referred to in almost all other studies.

A Doo-able Project, Ottawa : This project was initiated as reaction to a law stating that all dog feces must be carried off site from public parks and taken to private waste disposal (home trash bins or flushed down the toilets). The reaction from the public was retrogressive, increasing the amount of unpicked droppings. The city of Ottawa is now looking for alternatives to the conventional methods. The report is a great source for site limitations and benefits from composting.

Dealing with Dog Waste in Vancouver Parks, Vancouver B.C.: This report represents an initial feasibility study for using Everett Cowely as a test study site for implementing a system for composting dog manure. It leans heavily on the works done by both Ottawa study and the Alaska study (mentioned above). The focus of the report is on the two main struggles collection and disposal.