

The following vegetative slope stabilization techniques will be discussed in this section:
seeding, container or bare root planting, live staking, contour wattling, and brush layering.



Seeding involves the application of grass, forb, and woody plant seed mixes to areas with slope. This process creates a shallow fibrous rooting zone in the upper foot of the surface profile that binds surface soils and protects soil surfaces from water runoff, wind, and freeze-thaw erosion. Seeding is typically combined with other planting techniques for most erosion control issues. Seeds can be applied to slopes either by hand broadcasting or placing seeds into small holes along the slope.

Broadcast seeding is the most common technique used in projects. This type of application is fast and effective is the slope soil has been roughened slightly and mulch added to prevent desiccation and wind transport. Hydro seeding takes this technique a step further in the application process and combines seed, water, fertilizer, and mulch into one mixture. Applying a hydro seed mix is useful in hard to reach areas and along expansive slope faces. Drilling soil holes is a slower process but reduces the seed quantities required. This method is best used on mild slopes, in smaller areas, and for woody plant seed stock. The soil hole is typically 3 inches in diameter by 4 inches deep. After dropping a slow release fertilizer capsule into the hole, 3 ½ inches of soil is placed above followed by about 20 seeds. Once this is done the hole can be covered according to the seed supplier.






A few limitations and disadvantages exist with this method of erosion control. Seeding is good for mild erosion problems considering that the shallow fine rooting systems of grasses and forbs do not significantly increase the shear strength of the soil profile. Seeding also requires constant soil moisture for germination.



Figure 1: Hydro seeding mixture spray application


A few limitations and disadvantages exist with this method of erosion control. Seeding is good for mild erosion problems considering that the shallow fine rooting systems of grasses and forbs do not significantly increase the shear strength of the soil profile. Seeding also requires constant soil moisture for germination.


Container or Bare Root Planting

Container and bare root planting involves placing single or bunches of rooted plants into holes along the slope. This technique is typically used for woody plants or for non-woody plants that will over time develop a uniform root coverage. A good practice is to use transplants from nearby areas to keep a consistent vegetation scheme. Using rooted plant materials avoids the critical germination period for seeding or root development period for cuttings.


Figure 2: Container/ bare root planting (single or bunch planting).


During the fall or spring place loosened root balls into holes making sure that roots are
not bound or bent upwards. Pruning plants after installation allows a greater percentage of available plant energy to be used for a healthy rooting system. To ensure fast stabilization results, it is a good idea to use plant groupings or bunch plantings with slightly different rooting and foliage characteristics. Bunch planting also allows slope suitable plants to dominate the plant community over time. Mulching around all plants is recommended as a minimum.

Limitations to these methods are few. Container planting does not apply to gully erosion problems. Container plants can also be relatively expensive and hard to install into some mulching systems. This technique also requires an initial watering regime.


Live Staking

Live stakes are sections of woody plants cut into segments and placed into the slope. The plant materials used for stakes are usually hardy species that can root easily to eventually grow into mature woody shrubs that reinforce the soil. Stakes should be installed during the fall or spring depending on when the original plant is dormant.

Live stakes are generally 2 to 3 feet long and ½ to 1 ½ inches in diameter. Stakes should be flat cut on the top and diagonal cut on the bottom to be installed correctly. This stabilization method can be used alone or with other planting techniques. If used along, stake should be spaced across the slope according to species recommendations. Each row should have stakes above or below one another in a diamond pattern. Positioning the stake at a horizontal angle to encourage root growth along the entire below ground length.

Stake should be gently taped into predrilled holes which are slightly smaller than the diameter of the stake. If damaged, the top section of the stakes should be removed. Mulching is a good practice after installation is complete. Live staking can be used with contour wattling to secure wattles along a slope.
Figure 3: Live stake strategically placed on stream bank
Staking should only be used on slopes of 1.5’ horizontal to 1’ vertical. Planting during the summer and early fall can result in low propagation and poor slope protection performance of the vegetation system. This method does not produce immediate stabilization results and does not solve existing erosion problems.
Figure 4: Live staking  
Contour Wattling

Contour wattling is a method that can be used to stabilize shallow soil structure against landsliding. This technique involves packing lengths of woody plant material into cables or bundles (also called live fascines). These bundles are typically 8 to 10 inches in diameter and are laid continuously along slope contours. Cabling along the slope helps to intercept surface water runoff by routing it laterally before erosion occurs. Wattles help trap sediment by creating barriers that protect down slope areas against material falls or erosion.

Willow, red-osier dogwood, and snowberry are woody plants suitable to contour wattling. This technique is good for slopes of 1.5’ horizontal to 1’ vertical or less. Wattles are placed in shallow trenches horizontally along the slope at a single contour elevation. Installation along a slope face should progress from the slope toe upslope to the crest until planting is complete.
Figure 5: Contour wattling details and layout steps  
Wattles are created by layering individual plant material about ½ to 1 ½ inches in diameter and about 4 to 8 feet long altogether creating 8 to 10 inches wide bundle. These bundles are tied together with twine until the length of the contour is covered. Live staking the down slope side of the trenches holds the wattles in the trench overlapping the ends of the bundles. A 2 foot long section of a 2x4 should be staked through the wattles every two feet. The remaining soil from the trench excavation is finally compacted into the trench leaving about 80% of the wattle buried below the soil surface.

Although this is a good erosion control technique, there is a significant quantity of plant material required thus resulting in a labor crew of 3 to 4 people. On steep or long slope lengths, runoff can undercut wattlings and they can dry out if not properly installed, covered, or maintained.
Brush Layering

Brush layer planting consists of live woody plant material placed into the slope face along trenches in the slope contours. This method is most suitable in highly disturbed or eroded cut and fill situations. Layering achieves soil reinforcement that resists potential shallow-seated landsliding. Brush layers capture debris moving down slope.

Installation should be done in phases to reduce the chance of soil movement and limiting the removal of soil. This approach is applicable in areas where large quantities of loosened soil exist on the slope and if imported soil material will be used. Brush layer should be used on slope up to 1.5’ horizontal to 1’ vertical or in highly eroded gully areas.
Figure 7: Detail of brush layering in contour wattling  
Brush layering is not good for dense soil structures and should only be used on gully erosion in specific situations. This technique is labor intensive and is intolerant to development of water channels.
Figure 8: Brush layer section