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FREE PUBLIC symposium featuring internationally recognized experts


Thursdays at 4:30pm
8 January–12 March 2015
Reception to follow


Fishery Sciences Auditorium
1122 NE Boat Street (map)
University of Washington

Watch live broadcasts
and past seminars

For more info, contact:
Daniel Schindler

Winter 2015 Schedule

Live and past videos

The 2015 Bevan Series is organized around a collection of current controversies in fisheries, with small groups of speakers to provide alternative perspectives on the issues at hand. We will discuss commercial whaling, seafood certification, the efficacy of marine protected areas, and inter-sectoral allocation in fisheries management.

We invite you to join us for 10 informative lectures and take your
place at the leading edge of marine conservation. All lectures are
free and open to the public.

The Bevan Series is generously funded by the Donald E. Bevan Endowed Fund in Fisheries, the Northwest Fisheries Science Center, the Alaska Fisheries Science Center, and Washington Sea Grant. The Bevan Series was founded by Tanya Bevan, as a tribute to her late husband, Don Bevan. Don’s academic career spanned almost 50 years at the University of Washington, during which time he was director of the School of Fisheries and dean of the College of Fisheries. His work focused on the key intersection between science, economics, and politics, and he was deeply involved in the enactment and reauthorization of the Magnuson Act which governs America’s marine fisheries. He worked tirelessly to ensure that fisheries managers, industry and scientists spoke with a unified voice in changing federal regulations, and also helped found what is now the School of Marine and Environmental Affairs.

The Bevan Series seeks to continue the legacy of Don Bevan’s legacy by examining current issues affecting fisheries and marine conservation. We try to represent as many viewpoints as possible, focusing on solutions, not just problems.

To request disability accommodations contact the University of Washington Disability Services Office at least 10 days in advance of the event: 206-543-6450; 206-685-7264 (fax); 206-543-6452 (TTY); (email)

Photos left to right: Tom Tietz/iStock/Thinkstock; arinahabich/iStock/Thinkstock.