Books Published by UW School of Medicine Faculty Members
Lingua ex Machina: Reconciling Darwin and Chomsky with the Human Brain, by Dr. William H. Calvin and Dr. Derek Bickerton (MIT Press, 2000, 298 pp), investigates the origin of human language by integrating theories in evolution, linguistics and neuroscience.
Mommy, My Head Hurts, by Dr. Sarah Cheyette (Newmarket Press, 2001, 208 pp), helps parents understand childrens headaches.
Managing Death in the Intensive Care Unit, by Dr. J. Randall Curtis and Dr. Gordon D. Rubenfeld (Oxford University Press, 2000, 300 pp), covers the care of ICU patients during the final days and hours of life.
Teaching in Your Office: A Guide to Instructing Medical Students and Residents, by Dr. Dawn DeWitt and Dr. Linda Pinsky et al (American College of Physicians Press, 2001, 145 pp), reviews community-based training with suggestions for medical students, residents, and physicians.
The Words of Medicine: Sources, Meanings and Delights, by Dr. Robert Fortuine. (Charles C. Thomas Publishing, 2000, 492 pp), explores the words and phrases used in medical terminology.
Textbook of Rural Medicine, by Dr. John Geyman (McGraw-Hill Publishing, 2000, 487 pp), offers a comprehensive guide to rural practice, from special clinical problems to technologic advances in patient care.
Tao Drops, by Dr. Roger Harris (Eton Wolf Publishing, 2001, 111 pp), shares thoughts on creativity and human interactions.
Living with Multiple Sclerosis: A Wellness Approach, by Dr. George Kraft and Dr. Marci Catanzaro (Demos, 2000, 128 pp), presents developments in the management of multiple sclerosis.
Breast Fitness: An Optimal Exercise and Health Plan for Reducing Your Risk of Breast Cancer, by Dr. Anne McTiernan, Dr. Julie Gralow and Lisa Talbott (St. Martins Press, 2000, 288 pp), examines the roles of exercise, diet and weight control in health maintenance and breast cancer survival.
Evaluating and Communicating Subsistence Seafood Safety in a Cross-Cultural Context, edited by Dr. Thomas Nighswander (SETAC Press, 2000, 338 pp), addresses the impact of the Exxon Valdez oil spill disaster on human trade, society, and culture in predominately native communities of the Prince William Sound and the Alaska Peninsula.
Final Victory: Taking Charge of the Last Stages of Life and Preparing for the Best Possible Death, by Dr. Thomas A. Preston (Prima Publishing, 2000, 240 pp), discusses issues in preparing for the end of life.
