Classes (extension) | Undocumented classes

SmoothSlider : RoundView : UserViewHolder : ViewHolder2 : Object

(Undocumented class)


This class is missing documentation.

Class Methods

Inherited class methods

Undocumented class methods


Instance Methods

Inherited instance methods

Undocumented instance methods



.align = newAlign


.allwaysPerformAction = value


.alt_scale = value


.background = newColor


.baseWidth = newBaseWidth


.border = newBorder


.borderColor = newColor


.centerPos = value: 0.5


.centered = bool


.clipMode = value

.clipValue(active: true)


.color = value


.ctrl_scale = value

.decrement(zoom: 1)




.delta(val: 0)


.deltaAction = value



.extrude = bool


.focusColor = newColor


.font = newFont



.grid = value


.hilightColor = newColor


.hiliteColor = newColor

.increment(zoom: 1)

.init(parent, bounds)

.keyDown(char, modifiers, unicode, keycode, key)


.knobBorderScale = value


.knobColor = newColor


.knobSize = newSize


.mode = value

.mouseDown(x, y, modifiers, buttonNumber, clickCount)

.mouseMove(x, y, modifiers)


.orientation = newOrientation


.outOfBoundsAction = value




.relThumbSize = newSize: 0


.shift_scale = value



.step = value


.string = newString


.stringAlignToKnob = bool


.stringColor = newColor


.stringOrientation = newOrientation


.thumbSize = newSize: 0


.value = val

.valueAction = val

Help template

Copy and paste the text below and save to HelpSource/Classes/SmoothSlider.schelp