Tag Archives: Qing dynasty

甲午大吉詩編 (Jia wui da ji shi bian)

甲午大吉詩編一卷 續編一卷

“A Collection of Jia Wu Da Ji poetry”
Written by Xu Jiao, et al.
Published in 1894 in Hangzhou
Woodblock printing
1 volume

A collection of more than one hundred heptasyllabic quatrains, all composed in acrostic poetry form, celebrating the birthday of Empress Dowager Cixi and eulogizing the good auspices of the jia wu year (1894).

Item description and explanation by Boyue Yao, edited by Emily Jantz.

四體合璧文鑑 (Si ti he bi wen jian)

四體合璧文鑑: 三十二卷

“Four-Script Textual Mirror: 32 chapters”
Anonymous compiler from the Qing dynasty
Published between 1644 and 1911
Woodblock printing
4 volumes


This is a dictionary of Manchu, Chinese, Mongolian, and Tibetan. The Manchu words are written in the first column on the left, followed by the Mongolian words in the second column, and the Tibetan words in the last column. The Chinese words are written in the lower left corner of the last column. Each Chinese word is also annotated (to the right of the word) using the Manchu phonetic alphabet.

This dictionary contains a very large number of words and provides nearly comprehensive translations among the Manchu, Mongolian, Chinese, and Tibetan languages from the time of the Qing dynasty. Additionally, the inclusion of the pronunciation in the Manchu alphabet for the Chinese words provides important and valuable information for the study of Manchu-Chinese phonetics.

Item description and Chinese explanation by Boyue Yao; English translation by Xinyi Xu, edited by Emily Jantz.