Category Archives: Scholarly Engagement

Information on faculty, students, and other scholars engaging with the CLIR Project materials

Prof. Yao Presents about the CLIR Project and the Chinese Collections at UW and PKU (2016-05-10)

On May 10, Prof. Boyue Yao presented on the CLIR project, including many of the highlights of the materials cataloged for it, as well as general information and highlights of the UW Libraries and Peking University Library (his home institution) collection of Chinese string-bound books and other materials.

Flyer for Prof. Yao's presentation on May 10, 2016
Flyer for Prof. Yao’s presentation on May 10, 2016

Continue reading Prof. Yao Presents about the CLIR Project and the Chinese Collections at UW and PKU (2016-05-10)

Zhijia Shen & Jing Liu Present at AAS/CEAL Annual Conference (2016-03-31)

Project PI Zhijia Shen and Co-PI Jing Liu presented at the Committee on Chinese Materials meeting “Librarianship in Building Unique Online Resources through Institutional Collaboration” about the CLIR project.  Their presentation was entitled “Collaborating to Provide Access to Rare & Special Collections at the University of Washington and the University of British Columbia.”

Zhijia Shen & Jing Liu Book Project Supported by CLIR Microgrant

Project CO-PIs, Zhijia Shen and Jing Liu, applied for and received a CLIR micro-grant of $3000 to help with work to publish a volume on the UW-UBC collaborative CLIR project. They have successfully secured a book contract with Zhonghua Shuju, one of China’s best publishers on topics of Chinese culture and history. The book is scheduled for publication by the end of 2016.

This microgrant program—”Microgrants for Incentivizing Collaboration”—from CLIR offers small grants in support of further collaboration and cross-project connections among recipients of their Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives grants.

Zhijia Shen & Jing Liu Present at CLIR Symposium (2015-03-12) UPDATE

Cover of "Innovation, Collaboration and Models", Proceedings of the CLIR Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives Symposium, March 2015
Cover of “Innovation, Collaboration and Models”, Proceedings of the CLIR Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives Symposium, March 2015.

In March, 2015, Project Co-PIs Zhijia Shen and Jing Liu presented at the CLIR Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives Symposium, the capstone event to the seven-year Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives program, funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The two-day symposium and unconference brought together more than 180 participants, including many past and current grant recipients.

The proceedings of the symposium—in which more than 20 symposium presenters examine inter-institutional collaboration, student and faculty involvement, cataloging, arrangement and description, audiovisual collections, science collections, and outreach—have now been published.  The full report is available for download or viewing online at  Or directly view the paper by Zhijia and Jing, entitled “International Collaboration to Reveal Rare Chinese Materials Hidden for Half a Century”, at

Zhijia Shen & Jing Liu Present at PRRLA (2015-10-20)

CLIR Project PI Zhijia Shen and Co-PI Jing Liu gave a presentation about the project at this year’s annual conference of the Pacific Rim Research Libraries Alliance (PRRLA).  The conference was held in Eugene, Oregon, from October 19-21, 2015, and had the theme Greater Together: PRRLA Libraries at the Network Level.

Their presentation, entitled “Collaboration to Reveal Hidden Treasures at PRRLA Libraries: UW-UBC CLIR Project on Chinese Materials”, focused on our project’s collaborative nature.  It addressed issues and challenges facing the collaborative work, such as those of working with policies, laws, and regulations of different countries; shared what was learned in terms of project planning and management, resource sharing, staff exchange and training between the two institutions across national boundaries, and with academic libraries in China; and demonstrated how international collaboration can optimize libraries’ capacity and resources to accomplish difficult tasks, and how we become greater when putting our efforts together.

Click to view the slides from this presentation.

Zhijia Shen & Jing Liu Present at CLIR Symposium (2015-03-12)

Project Co-PIs—Zhijia Shen, Director of UW EAL, and Jing Liu, Chinese Studies Librarian of UBC Asian Library—gave a presentation entitled “International Collaboration to Reveal Rare Chinese Materials Hidden for Half a Century” at the CLIR Symposium on Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives in Philadelphia, March 12, 2015.

Click to view the slides from this presentation.

Public Lecture by Prof. Yao (2015-03-10)

Banner-Discovering the origins of the Imperial University Library

On March 10, Professor Boyue Yao, CLIR Project Librarian and visiting scholar from Beijing University Library, delivered a public lecture, “Discovering the Origins of the Imperial University Library through Ancient Book Catalogs,” at the University of Washington East Asia Library.

Professor Yao spoke about his recent discoveries in ancient book catalogs—their contents, the seals that were used on them, etc.—and other sources which revealed that the Imperial University Library (now Peking University Library) was in fact founded in 1898, rather than 1902 as was previously thought.

Presentation Summary: 长期以来,北大校史都将1902年作为北京大学图书馆的创建年,比1898年建校的北京大学晚了整整4年!事实果真如此吗?原北大外国语学院沈弘教授从2002年开始,先后写了3篇文章,论证北京大学图书馆的前身京师大学堂藏书楼实际应该与京师大学堂同时建立,文章很有说服力,但遗憾的是一直无人理会。2013年,北大图书馆古籍编目人员在编目中发现了一部出版于1899年春的《大学堂书目》,于是事情终于出现了转机……

Photos from the event >>