
The Primary Health Care Gender-Based Violence training is designed to build the capacity of primary health care nurses to provide excellent care for survivors of gender-based violence. This course uses a blended-learning model. A short classroom session is combined with self-study e-learning on a tablet.

This tablet is on loan. After you have completed the course, the tablet will be returned. The hard-copy handouts are yours to keep. Although this training is primarily self-study, it’s expected that you will attend face-to-face sessions at the beginning and end of the training.

You will need about 1-2 hours to complete all of the learning activities for each module. You’ll be given a course pre-test and post-test to assess your learning at the initial and final face-to-face meetings.

Course Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the prevalence, outcomes, and importance of gender-based violence in South Africa
  • Use strategies to effectively and appropriately communicate with GBV clients
  • Identify signs and conditions suggesting that GBV assessment is indicated
  • Assess necessary treatment for GBV clients, and provide all available and appropriate care and services
  • Appropriately refer clients to higher level medical and social services, and to legal services

Course Materials

All of the learning materials are loaded on this tablet, so you won’t need an internet connection. Remember to keep the tablet charged.

You’ll also be provided with handouts from the in-person sessions. Most resources are included on the tablet. These national documents should be accessible at your worksite as well./p>

How to Use

The main page shows buttons listing session topics. On each session page, there are Learning Activities for you to complete.

Types of learning activities are as follows:

image Case studies are fictitious clients based on real-life situations
image Activities are opportunities for you to interact with the learning materials and the tablet
image Pre- and post- session quizzes and knowledge checks

The knowledge check activities use a few different types of questions. You will see multiple choice, true/false, matching, sequencing, and questions that ask you to type responses into a box. After you select your answer (or type in your text), click or tap on the “feedback” button to find out whether your answers are correct and to read important additional information. If you want to change your answer choice, you can click on the “clear” button and redo your answer.

Take responsibility for your own learning. It is up to you to succeed! Some of the questions ask you to type in answers and then tap a button to compare your answer to an expert’s. Although it might be tempting to skip writing in your workbook, taking the time to write down your answer will help you practice concepts and help you learn more deeply. This is also true for the self-reflection questions.

Self-study Tips

Learning at your own at your own pace may be a new experience. Self-study requires a different set of skills and techniques than learning in a classroom environment. For some people, learning at their own pace may be challenging at first. However, self-paced e-learning has many advantages, including allowing you to learn whenever and wherever is convenient. To help you keep up with the course and materials, the self-study tips below have strategies for learning successfully in a self-study environment.

  • Keep an open mind and be open to a new experience! For many of you, this may be your first encounter with e-learning.
  • Manage your time. Set aside specific blocks of time to work on your course. Make sure you prioritize your course work. Ask your family or co-workers to respect those times when you are “in class”.
  • Think about your workspace. Do you have a comfortable chair? Do you have a quiet space where you can work? Do you have a place where you can concentrate and learn?
  • Take breaks. Take a few minutes to get a drink or a snack, and remember to stretch. A small break will help you to maintain your concentration and absorb the information.
  • Take responsibility for your own learning. While you can (and should) ask questions and ask for help, ultimately it is up to you to succeed. You are responsible for your own time management, self-motivation, and for ensuring that you stay on top of your assignments.