
On this page you will find a list of downloadable or linked resources that have been mentioned in the course. Click on the link to download a PDF or be connected to the online resource.

About this Course

How to Be a Quality Improvement Coach Workbook (You will be using this workbook throughout the course, to fill in answers and take notes. If you did not receive a copy, you can download and print.)
Video: Applying the Model for Improvement in Your Work (This video gives an overview of basic Quality Improvement principles.)

Applying the Model for Improvement in Your Work

Session 1: Introduction to Quality Improvement Coaching

How to Be a Quality Improvement Coach Workbook
Zim-TTECH Quality Improvement Coaches’ Monthly Reporting Tool

Session 2: First Steps in Quality Improvement Coaching

Video: Applying the Model for Improvement in Your Work
Problem Analysis Tools:
  Fishbone diagram
  Process mapping
Impact/Effort Grid
Action Plan template
LARC Stakeholder Analysis

Session 3: How to Coach on Setting Aims and Measures

Model for Improvement
LARC Data Collection Plan
Action Plan template

Session 4: How to Coach on Problem Analysis

Fishbone diagram
Process mapping
Process mapping table
Action Plan template

Session 5: How to Coach on Generating Ideas for Change and Testing Ideas with PDSA

IHI video on driver diagrams (requires an internet connection)
Impact/Effort Grid
PDSA Tracking Tool
EICT Driver Diagram Example
IHI Using Change Concepts to Come Up with Ideas
Action Plan template

Session 6: Coaching Your Teams in Sustaining Gains/Next Steps for Quality Improvement Coaching

Scoville R, Little K, Rakover J, Luther K, Mate K. Sustaining improvement. IHI White Paper. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Institute for Healthcare Improvement; 2016.

Mate, K. Sustaining Improvement in an Era of Prevailing Distraction: Lessons from I-COUGH. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 2020; 46:239-240.

Zim-TTECH Quality Improvement Coaches’ Monthly Reporting Tool
Action Plan template