
On this page you will find a list of downloadable or linked resources that have been mentioned in the course. Click on the link to download a PDF or be connected to the online resource.

About this Course

Supervisory Training Workbook (You will be using this workbook throughout the course, to fill in answers and take notes. If you did not receive a copy during the face to face session, you can download and print.)

Session 1: Supervision Basics

Supervisory Training Workbook (You will be using this workbook throughout the course, to fill in answers and take notes. If you did not receive a copy, you can download and print.)

Marquez, L., & Kean, L.C. (2002). Making supervision supportive and sustainable: new approaches to old problems.

Avortri GS, Nabukalu JB, Nabyonga-Orem J. Supportive supervision to improve service delivery in low-income countries: is there a conceptual problem or a strategy problem? BMJ Global Health 2019;4:e001151.

Session 2: Communication in Supervision

Communication Skills Checklist

Session 3: Coaching and Mentoring

The GROWS Model

Session 4: Understanding Team Dynamics

Icebreaker questions

Team norm examples

Forbes article: How To Define Your Team's Norms (And Why It'sImportant)

Session 5: Providing and Receiving Feedback

Performance Appraisal Document

Zim-TTECH Site-Level Performance Monitoring Standard Operating Principles (SOP) Document

Session 6: Solving Problems as a Supervisor

Fishbone Diagram

Session 7: Self and Collective care in the Workplace

Mindfulness and Meditation Recordings and Handouts

Mindfulness Practice Cards

Body Scan Meditation

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Grounding Practice

Cultivating a Loving Heart Meditation

Movement Recordings and Handouts

Yoga Practice Cards

Desk Yoga for Hips

Desk Yoga for Arms and Sides

Webpages (note that you will need an internet connection)

Self-Care Toolkit | The Whole U (

Insight Timer

Keywords For Searches: mindfulness meditation, desk yoga, grounding practice, visualisation meditation, walking meditation