About the Research
Who is Eligible?
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Dear Students,

Your participation, responses, and feedback on the inquiry tool that you are about to complete is incredibly valuable to both our research and to understanding how to best support and scaffold more active and effective teaching practices engineering and other technical fields in higher education. We use the results both to expand our basic knowledge about how students feel about social/active instruction and to understand how best to evolve and develop this tool to serve you in the future.

For both these purposes, we would like to ask your permission to use your responses and comments in future improvements in the EngAGE tool and our social/active instruction efforts. As with many research efforts, the responses and information we record from your use of EngAGE today contain no information that could be used to identify you. I f you would like more information on the research, or if I can answer any questions or provide further clarification please do not hesitate to let me know.

Thanks so much for your time and your help as we move forward in developing teaching and learning practices for tomorrow!


Denise Wilson, Associate Professor
University of Washington, Department of Electrical Engineering
denisew (at) u.washington.edu; 206-221-5238

Please check one of the following boxes:

I give permission for my responses and comments on the EngAGE tool to be released for research and future improvements in the EngAGE tool.

I do not wish my responses and comments on the EngAGE tool to be used for research.

Check all the apply:

If needed, please contact me for follow-up on my responses and perspective on social/active instruction.

I would like to be kept in touch with the latest developments and research results related to the EngAGE project.

