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Foster Care and Higher Education

Foster Care and Higher Education

Increased college access


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Currently there are over 400,000 children and youth in our Nation’s foster care system and every year, more than 23,000 individuals “age out” of the foster care system. The passage to adulthood is challenging for anyone, but for youth in foster care it can be especially lonesome, confusing , and uncertain. Despite facing significant challenges, youth currently or previously involved in the foster care system demonstrate extraordinary courage, determination, and resilience. It is important to provide these youth, and the supportive adults who work with them, the resources and assistance needed to achieve stability and independence.

Transition planning for higher education is critical to a seamless and successful shift from adolescence to adulthood.

State Tuition Waiver Programs

Use the map or text links to explore state tuition-waiver opportunities for youth with a foster care history.

Tuition Wavers
Happy graduates

Education & Training Vouchers

ETV offers financial assistance to eligible youth to attend an accredited college, university, vocational or technical college.

Learn More