Taylor Scott’s HCDE Inspired Comic ‘Not Quite Human’ in UW Today

Posted by Daniel Perry on December 02, 2014

What can a life-sized robot named Pal teach us about human centered design methods? Apparently quite a bit when interacting with its creator in the comic strip Not Quite Human, authored by lab member and HCDE PhD student Taylor Scott. The comic was borne out of HCDE professor Charlotte’s Lee’s directed research group Comics Made by You: HCDE for Everyone, which seeks to make the topic of HCDE accessible to a broader audience through the use of comics. Scott’s work was recently featured in a UW Today article about the class. Great work Taylor! We can’t wait to read more of Pal’s future adventures.

The UW Today article: http://www.washington.edu/news/2014/12/01/what-is-hcde-new-comics-class-aims-to-answer-the-question/


Not Quite Human by Taylor Scott


