View Page: Palatine Hill
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Palatine Hill
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Palatine Hill

  Ancient Image
Emperor's Stadium

The stadium on Palatine Hill hints at the great athletic events that must have taken place there. The large courtyard, surrounded by cheering Romans with the Emperor on his throne near the sideline. The grand marble columns now lay in rows for analyzation by archiologists, and the inset area once housing a magnificent throne is crumbling. But it is easy to see the Emperor sitting smugly, watching the festivities always in his honor, and surveying his grand palace.

  Contemporary Image
Circus Maximus
Dirt Circle Maxiumus

Circuis Maximus, once a great arena for chariot races, now is a simple worn out track of dust. All the Emperor once had is in similar condition, crumbling and delapedated. The bathes, the gardens and the great dining halls are no longer just for royalty, but like the great Circus Maximus below is open to anyone, even mere commoners such as us.

  Image Analysis
Palentine recreation
Palentine, back in the day

This re-creation of what Palentine Hill looked like at its height is a very different image than what we see today. All that remains of the palace on the hill is crumbling walls of the first floor. Circus Maximus is nearly unrecognizable, not a single section of the stands remains, only slanted grassy hills.