View Page: Santa Maria in Cosmedin
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Santa Maria in Cosmedin
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  Site Location
Santa Maria in Cosmedin

Santa Maria in cosmedin is located along the Tiber river in teh Piazza dell Bocca della Verita, the Plaza of the "Mouth of Truth."

  Site History
Santa Maria in Cosmedin
The tall bell tower over the front porch

Built in the 6th century as an institution to help the poor, Santa Maria was given to Greek monks that had excaped iconoclasm in Constantinople in the 8th century. It was rebuilt in the 8th, 9th and 12th centuries. Mass is celebrated according to the Greek Orthodox tradition.

  Elements of Interest
The Mouth of Truth

Tourists flock to see the famous Bocca della Verita, the "Mouth of Truth." Originally a drain cover carved as a river god's face, it is said that the mouth will close upon the hand of any liar. (There is a scene from 'Roman Holiday' featuring the Mouth)

  Analyze Image
The Mouth of Truth
The same subject, different perspective

This picture is of the same subject, the "Mouth of Truth," as in the previous page, but is not cropped as the other is. In this shot the Mouth is put into perspective and is obviously an exhibit. The other picture crops out the plain wall it leans upon and takes it out of context making the size impossible to judge. This picture gives a better idea of what it will be like if you visit.

  Site Questions

Why is the drain cover so big? Why would they keep the likeness of a river god in a Greek Orthodox church?