View Page: Settembre 18, free day
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Settembre 18, free day
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Another free day for our deserving class. I was just outside of Amalfi staying in a hostel high above the Mediterranean Sea with some classmates, Kaia, Whitney and Paul M. We woke up bright and early to the bright sun glaring off the sea and into our sleepy eyes. Outfitted in swimsuits and Chaco sandals (or in Paul's case, Birkenstocks) we began our descent to the beach.

The Amalfi coast is an amazing region. Cliffs shoot up straight from the electric blue water and quickly climb hundreds of feet. Its beautiful, but hard on your leg muscles. The two staircases down to the high road combine for at least five hundred steps. The next case down to the low road has over three hundred and fifty (I counted). Then there is yet another staircase to the beach that’s at least another two hundred. So that’s a grand total of over a THOUSAND stairs!

But though I might sound a little bitter, I have to guarantee you that it is all completely worth it. The beach below was gorgeous. The pebbled shore made for crystal clear water and the water was the perfect temperature. We swam out and around the coast to a natural rock arch just begging to be jumped off of. So we did.

When we got hungry for lunch we trekked back up the stairs, pausing every few to enjoy the fabulous scenery (not at all because we were tired). First we headed west in our search for pizza towards Concha... naturally, nobody bakes pizza until the evening. Naturally.

So then we headed back west to Amalfi where we found an abundance of pizza. And gelato. We also picked up some groceries so that as the competent honors students we are, we could cook food for ourselves back at the hostel.

Then we did just that, pasta with a side of bread and olive oil. We bonded with Laura, the girl with dreads down to the ground who runs the hostel, and watched the sun set beyond the monastery Bill Gates might buy. A successful day off, no writing in sight...


The highlight of the day was definitely putting on my bathing suit and plunging into the Mediterranean. I missed my swimsuit. Plus, the water was very soothing to our tired calves.

We also learned the proper Italian technique for drinking grappa or limoncello (not that we tested it out, mom). Apparently, Italians sip all their liquors and the only reason they would ever take shots of alcohol is because they've seen John Wayne do it and are trying to be American.
