View Page: Trastevere
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

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  Site Location

Trastevere is on the western side of the Tiber River and was the first inhabited area on that side.

  Site History
Coat of Arms

During the ancient Roman period Trastevere was a neighborhood of noble families, including Julius Ceasars. Cleaopatra is also thought to have lived here. After the fall of the empire it became a quarter of Jewish trading communities then after the middle ages became the main working-class district. Now it is a very trendy, desirable place for American artists and assorted tourists to live.

  Elements of Interest
The cannon of Trastevere
This cannon blasts daily at noon and can be heard miles away
The view from Janiculum Hill
The highest spot in Rome offers a fantastic view of the city
Santa Maria in Trastevere
church and square
Porta Settimiana

Janiculum Hill is the best viewpoint of Rome and from that point, every day at 12 am, the blast of a gun announces mid-day.

Santa maria in Trastevere is credited as the oldest church in Rome, founded in the 3rd century.

Porta Settimiana, the northern gate to the Vatican, is on via della Lungara. Also along that street is Rome's main prison, called Regina Coeli.

  Analyze Image
Santa Maria in Trastevere

This image gives a very different view of the ancient church in Trastevere. Shot at an upward angle, the church looks much more immense than in other photos. Something thats left out? Try the throngs of tourists that frequent this beautiful church throughout the year, instead it is shown as very serene and solitary.

  Site Questions

How do Romans feel about a district that houses an overwhelming number of "trendy American artists"? How do trendy American artists feel about housing Rome's main prison?