View Page: Lemon-Orange Gelato
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Lemon-Orange Gelato
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  Recipe Name

Lemon-Orange Gelato


Dolci (Dessert)


2 cups milk; 2 tablespoons orange zest; 2 tablespoons lemon zest; 5 egg yolks; 3/4 cup sugar; 4 tablespoons lemon juice


Scald the milk with the orange and lemon zest in a medium saucepan. Whisk the egg yolks and sugar to blend. Gradually whisk half of the hot milk into the yolks. Return the yolks to the saucepan with remaining milk. Stir over low heat until custard thickens and leave a path on the back of the spoon when you draw your finger across it. Do not let the mixture boil. Transfer the mixture to a large bowl and chill.

Once the mixture is cool stir in the lemon juice. Transfer to ice cream maker and process according to manufacturers instructions.


I found this recipe on (there are tons of other nifty gelato and ice cream recipes located at this site as well). I’ve eaten my share of both lemon and orange gelato over the few days we’ve been here and I thought it would be an interesting to try a mixture of both. When we get home and are going through gelato withdrawals, we can make our own with the help of an ice cream maker. I’d really like to find a good gelatoria in Seattle. Does anyone know of any?