View Page: 090804 Group dinner 3!
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

090804 Group dinner 3!
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Starry night
A panel of a painting from Villa Farnesina
Helen in action
Matt expounds on Bruno's tumultuous life
Basil magic
Sabrina and Kirstin cook up a storm
We started off the day at Villa Farnesina, or at least most of us did. For future reference, Villa Farnesina is NOT THE SAME as Palazzo Farnese, and carabinieri who only speak French are not the best people to ask for directions. Ok, rant aside, the Villa Farnese is a beautiful museumified home on the edge of Trastevere. It was built by the wealthy Farnese family and has some beautiful ceiling paintings, about which Kara gave a great presentation. Next we went to Piazza Farnese, where Helen told us about the history of the Farnese family and Andrea delved into the Renaissance style of architecture. Piazza Farnese is one of my preferred places to hang out in the Campo neighborhood, so it was nice to learn a bit more about it. Then Matt gave his little presentation about the life of Giordano Bruno, the guy whose statue is in the center of Campo dei Fiori (and who needed to simma down). The last presentation of the day, by Jeff, was about our very own Palazzo Pio, which has a much more exciting history than I knew.

During siesta many of us went our separate ways to work on sociology research or presentations. Also, we helped Sabrina cook the fantabulous dinner (more on that later).

Sociology class was a bit unusual today--instead of lecture, each group of students presented a different neighborhood that they had walked around and observed. Everyone did a great job with their presentations (and with sticking to the 15 minute time limit).

And after class it was dinnertime! We all went up to 422, where we were presented with a wonderful spread of food: caprese, bread and olive oil (from Sabrina's dad!), salad, torta di spinaci (spinach pie), calzone, pasta con fagioli e pomodorro (pasta with beans and tomato), and three lovely pies. Lisa's friend Kyle, another art history buff, joined us for dinner.

After dinner, being the perfect students that we are, we all went directly home and carefully read every word of the art history assignment. What better way to end a wonderful day?
Fun with knives
Students at the feet of a master
Shane dishes it out
Nutella, ciliegia, e alpicocca
There were a ton of good presentations today. Not only did we have one long and four short presentations in art history, but we also were treated to a splendid sociological tour of Rome in seven presentations. It was really interesting to hear about some farflung neighborhoods that I hadn't been to yet, and the pictures gave me a good feel for the locations. We're all becoming expert sociological observers :)

The other highlight of the day was, of course, the group dinner. Sabrina and her small army of helpers once again crafted an amazing meal. I especially liked the pasta with beans and tomato. Also, we got to taste olive oil from Sabrina's dad, which was molto buono. Thanks to Debra and Michael for hosting!
Italian carabinieri
...who tried to give me directions in French
Roly-poly fish heads
not a gift for Jeff's mom
So my morning was slightly different than everyone else's, since I was confused about where Villa Farnesina was and it took me an hour to meet up with the class. At one point I wandered into Palazzo Farnese (now the French embassy) to look for the group, and was sternly ordered to leave. Then I asked directions to Villa Farnesina from the carabinieri who hang out and guard the entrance, but they had no idea where it was. They did give me an address to go to if I wanted to tour the embassy (deux cinque un Via Giulia). Not the most helpful or friendly people, but they're good at standing around and looking intimidating.