View Page: Campo di Fiori
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Campo di Fiori
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Campo di Fiori

  Connection to Research

The Campo was much smaller than I had expected.

When I researched this location earlier, I didn't realize that the vendors packed their wares up every day at noon. I thought that they would remain all day, in permanent stalls.

  Element of Interest

I didn't realize that the market only operated until about 2 or 3 in the afternoon. I'm not sure why this has captured my attention, I was just surprised at how much the Campo changes. At 10 AM it is a bustling market, and at 10 PM it is a bustling meeting area. By midnight, it is totally full of people.


My question was whether the campo was still used by residents of teh area.

clearly the answer is yes. while it has become very touristy, the romans living in the area still go to the campo market to shop for fruits and vegetables, and to the merchants around the campo for other things like meats, fish, and cheese.

  Image Analysis
Vegetable Stall
Notice the huge selection of vegetables

I was amazed at the selection available in the Campo. While this image shows some of what you can get there, it leaves out the multiple vendors selling tacky souvenirs for tourists. Shamefull.