View Page: Pantheon
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

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  Site Location

Piazza della Rotonda, in the Centro Storico.

  Site History

The Pantheon was originally built as a pagan temple circa 27 BCE by Agrippa, and was dedicated to "all the gods" (pan=all theos=god). It was restored twice, once by Domitan in ca. 80 CE and once by Hadrian in ca. 120 CE. After the fall of Rome, the Pantheon was saved by a Byzantine emperor, who donated it to the Church. It was converted to a Christian church, Saint Mary and the Martyrs, in AD 609 by Pope Boniface IV.

  Elements of Interest

The interior of the dome is a perfect circle, with a diameter and a height of 43 meters. Considering that this was built 2000 years ago, it is incredibly accurate. Also, there are several important tombs located inside, including the tombs of three Italian kings, as well as the tomb of the artist Raphael.

  Analyze Image
Outside of the pantheon
Occulus in the Pantheon

The first picture is just an outside view of the Pantheon, and, in my opinion, much less cool than the second picture. The second pic is of the dome of the pantheon, but there is no light inside, so all we see is the opening of the occulus, and then where the light shines through. The pantheon was designed with this in mind, and so the circle of light moves across the room every day. Sweet

  Site Questions

Why did the Church not just knock the Pantheon down and build a proper cathedral?

How cool is that occulus picture?