View Page: Piazza Benedetto Cairoli
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Piazza Benedetto Cairoli
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Halfway between the Ponte Garibaldi and the Argentina bus stop. It's a small park


It is a small park with one fountain and a statue of a man siting down. I find that there is no specific time of day that is the best time to visit; it's just a nice place to sit and relax, maybe eat some pizza while you're waiting for the afternoon class session to begin.

  Story of Discovery

There isn't much of a story. I walk past the park every day as I go to the Campo de Fiori from my Trastevere apartment. I never really paid it much attention, until one day when there were no seats left in the nearby Pizza d'Arte. I really wanted to sit down, and so I just headed over to the park and grabbed a bench. It was significantly cooler than the surrounding areas, and quite quiet compared to the Campo. It is very peaceful.

  Element of Interest

Most of the parks we have seen so far have been gigantic, and quite far away from the Campo, which is our homebase. Honestly, calling it a park is a slight exaggeration, but it's a dirt area with a large concentration of trees and benches which are in the shade. It's a quiet place to write and just to chill out.


I like to sit with my back to the Campo, facing Via Arenula, with the fountain between myself and the street. This way, the noise of the fountain blankets the normal roars of scooters, and gives me my own tranquil little garden in the middle of Rome.