View Page: Piazza Di San Bartolemeo All'Isola
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Piazza Di San Bartolemeo All'Isola
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Piazza Di San Bartolemeo All'Isola

  Reason for Selection

This piazza is located in the middle of Tiber Island. It is a clean and quiet place to sit and contemplate oneself, or to sit and write term assignments.


It is smaller than most of the more famous piazzas we have visited. However, as it is not nearly as famous, as say, Piazza Navona, it is also less tourist infested, and is a nice quiet place to sit.

It is also much plainer than most of the piazzas we have seen. There are no fancy statues, just a simple fountain. I believe that this was designed purposefully, as the piazza serves as a bridge between a church of the same name and the Tiber Island Hospital. If I were leaving a hospital and felt the need to pray, I would not want to walk through some elaborately decorated piazza, or past some ornate enormous fountain.


This piazza is located between the Tiber Island Hospital and the San Bartolemeo All'Isola church. The image that I will definitely carry away with me is one of hope and faith. Sitting in the piazza, you can see people leave the hospital and walk directly into the church. I saw one woman in particular, who left the hospital, went into the church, and came back out an hour later. She then went back into the hospital. The idea of having a church next to a hospital is a very comforting one for many people.