View Page: San Bartolemeo All'Isola
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

San Bartolemeo All'Isola
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San Bartolemeo All'Isola

  Reason for Selection

This church is located on Tiber Island, across from the Tiber Island Hospital. It is my favorite church because, more than any other church I've seen, its location is an asset to those who would want to pray, rather than a burden. If a loved one is sick, it is very difficult to leave him or her, even if you just want to go pray for their speedy recovery. Having a church 100 feet from the hospital is a wonderful idea because it enables worshipers to go and pray, and then return to their loved one's side in a relatively short amount of time.


This church generally caters to people who have a reason to go to the Tiber Island Hospital. Because of this, the ambience is a little somber. However, it is also hopeful, for I believe that the people who visit this church do so to pray for quick recoveries for friends or loved ones.

  Memorable Visit

The first time I visited the church, there was an older woman praying in one of the pews near the back. As I was walking in, she got up and left. I saw her head toward the hospital. I left the church, and went to get lunch. Heading back about two hours later, I stopped in again, and while I was sitting, saw the woman return, and sit in the same place she was sitting before.

I don't know why this made such an impression on me, but I think it's because I probably can understand something of how she feels. While I have no idea what her situation is, I figure she was probably visiting a loved one in the hospital. Praying can be a very comforting thing to do if you are constantly worried about someone's survival.


While I don't have a picture of the church, I will attempt to describe it's location on the island. The hospital is located on the northen end of Tiber Island. Past the hospital is the Piazza Di San Bartolemeo All'Isola. East and west of the piazza are the two bridges which cross the Tiber. South of the piazza is the church. The entrance faces the hospital, which enables easy access. The outside is quite plain, with simple large lettering in Latin.