View Article: Buon appetito!
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Buon appetito!
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"Buon appetito" is an italian phrase said before and during a meal, thus, it is certainly categorized as an eating phrase.
Buon appetito!
"Good appetite," meaning "Enjoy your meal"
Italian meals, especially dinners, are traditionally quite long. People often eat a number of courses, often including l'antipasto, meaning "before the meal" as an appetizer, il primo (the first course of pasta, soup, or risotto), il secondo (the second course, often a type of meat or fish), il contorno (a side dish, often vegetables), and il dolce of course (dessert, like il Tiramisu squisito da Sabrina!). As I have witnessed, dinner can last up to several hours. When the first course is served, Italians often begin their feast with a toast: "Buon appetito!" As eating is a large aspect of Italian society, it is nice to know a few key phrases in order to fit in.