View Page: Fleeting Beauty
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Fleeting Beauty
Sculpture and movement 1 of 1

I cannot imagine what it would be like to attend a party thrown by Pauline Bonaparte. “Welcome to my mansion,” she would say, “and here’s a massive sculpture of me posing half-naked.” What?!? The experience would be as awkward as meeting the pope in your bathing suit. She leaves nothing for the imagination, but thrusts her body out for all her guests, baring her breasts to the utter embarrassment of those around her.

Although repulsed by the audacious pose, crowned by the proud display of the delicate apple of utmost beauty, even I was mysteriously drawn in by the incredibly real and inviting mattress she reclines upon. Its intricate design and mysterious indentations accentuating the petite form of her body become the focus, and immediately I realize what Ms. Bonaparte’s deepest longings were. She craved intimacy above all else.

Being aware of the figure’s uncomfortable effect on her guests, she must have longed to use it to lure a susceptible man upstairs to her own identical mattress to betray her husband in an attempt to fill her heart with love which had previously evaded her grasp. Little does she know, however, that even as she poses so vulnerably to the adulterer in her bedroom, she could not be farther from truly fulfilling her intense desire for intimate, passionate, true love. Love does not come in the form of a one-night stand. They are cheap substitutes for the real thing and ultimately result in unsatisfaction. True love is what Pauline Bonaparte needed to fill her heart, and to get it, she turned to the only means she knew, her sex appeal.

“Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting,” is what Proverbs 31: 30 says, and Pauline Bonaparte, as she grew old and realized her once perfect face was wrinkling, her once firm breasts were sagging, and her once long and slender arms were flopping about, tragically discovered the gravity of her mistake to make the basis of her love her physical appearance. Countless females today focus on the same thing, spending hours in front of the mirror and dressing seductively to effectively “strut their stuff” to potential suitors. And, much to my dismay and embarrassment as a male, this strategy works. Men fall in masses to beautiful, yet shallow, women who are really nothing more than a beautiful, well-shaped statue of marble. The knowledge of this truth pushes young ladies to dress even more provocatively and scandalously to win men, and the vicious cycle continues. However, the foundation upon fleeting physical beauty of this “love,” is made of sand, and years down the road, when her husband rolls over in bed to no longer see that beautiful smooth body next to him, the artificial love will vanish, and nothing will remain but a once again empty, broken heart yearning for intimacy.