View Page: Jeff the Roman Gladiator
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Jeff the Roman Gladiator
Rome Expectations 1 of 1

  Interest in Rome
Ever since my studies of the beautiful language of Latin in high school I have been fascinated by the ways and lives of the Romans. Most especially I was drawn in by the story of Spartacus, the roman gladiator who led a slave revolt in 49. Ever since this time I have aspired myself to become a gladiator by following in the footsteps of my ancient bretheren. Thus I have chosen to start my journey along this rigorous path this summer with the University of Washington Honors program.
  Place of Interest
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A nice website
Roman Colosseum
An artistic representation of the Roman Colosseum, where many prestigous gladiators fought. Hopefully with years of hard work and a bit of luck I can earn the honor to fight here myself
As I aspire to be a true Roman slave myself someday, I am particularly interested seeing and doing anything which a Roman might have seen or done, such as the forum, the Palatine hill, the Colosseum, the Temple of Vesta, etc. It is incredible to me (raised in a city that has been mostly built in the last 100 years) that these places in which people conducted everyday life 2000 years ago are available to us to see. I also am very excited about eating as the Romans did, and am particularly interested in finding a recipe for home made Garum.