View Page: Hostaria Farnese
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Hostaria Farnese
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Hostaria Farnese

  Location and Hours

It is located just off the Campo de Fiori. If you are leaving the 9 girls' apartment, walk forward, then right, and down the street until you see it on the right side of the street. The address is Via del Baularri, 109. There are tables outside and a sign over the doorway that reads Hostaria Farnese. It is open during lunchtime, and usually opens shortly after siesta and is open for dinner. While the actual hours of operation tend to vary, it is usually open during lunch and late through dinner hour and has ample seating.


I would rate this restaurant 3.5 stars. It was acceptably good, and the food was tasty, but due to the price, I wouldn't say it was amazing.

  Price Range

Most dishes were around nine dollars, which could get you a primo or secondo that would fill you up reasonably well. The appetizers, like brushchetta, were two to three dollars and also quite good.
For a snack, you would likely order an antipasto for less than five dollars and get a bread-type dish of bruschetta or equivalent.
For a meal, you would probably pay about 8 to 10 dollars, depending on your taste. This would get you an ample plate of pasta, usually without meat. Or you can get a specialty plate, such as potatoes with chicken, which will get you a massive chunk of chicken for eight dollars and squishy good side potatoes.

  Time of Visit

I visited this sit-down restaurant on Wednesday, August 27th, at 2:00pm. There were a few customers there when we sat down but by 3pm the entire restaurant was vacant.


If you do not want to wait, try going after 2pm, when the lunch crowd has dissapated and the dinner crowd is long away. It is a relatively large restaurant, although small compared to most resturants in Seattle. It is definitely casual. A visitor should note that water will come bottled and must be paid for, and that you should not order water with gas unless you like carbonated water, like club soda. No-gas water may be free. I would recommend sitting outside if the weather is fine, because it is fun, but the inside atmosphere is fine as well. I sat inside near the door and the breeze was refreshing.


I ordered Pollo con papate, chicken with potatoes. The chicken came as a rather large piece of chicken breast and attached wing. It was cooked tenderly with garlic and other seasoning, oven roasted, and tasted juicy. Some may think the taste could have been more spicy, for the chicken can be bland in some regions. If that may be a problem for you, I would suggest ordering one of the many pastas. The potatoes were vey soft, and probably oven roasted and dipped in an oily garlic sauce. They were also very good, although somewhat excessively oily and there were few potatoes. However, the large chicken made up for the lack of potatoes.


The service was good. Our order was taken promptly and perhaps due to the lack of other customers, our food was delivered quickly, and piping hot. I recommend the chicken that I ordered for people who like chicken. My only caution would be that some people may find the taste bland, in which case they should either order a pasta, or eat more of the seasoned skin. I would not recommend the bubbly water, it tastes odd and was not fun to pay for the whole bottle. The service was good, although we did not require much attention during our meal. We had to ask for napkins, but these were brought promptly and the waiter told us waht napkin and check are in Italian when questioned, which was kind of him. The checks are hand written so check the math when you go to make sure they have charged you the correct amount.