View Page: September 19th Free Day
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

September 19th Free Day
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September 19th was one of two back to back free days, which provided students the opportunity to leave Rome in search of adventures elsewhere in Italy. While many students stayed in Rome or spent a day in Florence, others sought the rocky beaches of Southern Italy for a couple days of relaxation.

For the students that traveled to Florence for one day, popular attractions included the Uffizi Gallery, which featured paintings by Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Raphael and Botticelli. Shopping was another important task on the to-do list for Florence.

One student visited Perusia, described as a small town on a hill that is similar to Siena. A few hours provided ample time to walk around, shop, and enjoy the city's duomo.

Still other students chose to forsake the shopping of Florence and the tranquility of Perusia for the beaches of Southern Italy. The Mediterranean provided welcome swimming for students who visited the Amalfi Coast and the island of Capri. While the beaches were beautiful and the combination of a warm Italian sun and salty waves proved relaxing for all, encounters with sealife also provided excitement for one traveler.

For one student who remained in Rome for the two days, visiting a favorite local vendor and reflecting on the trip provided ample opportunity to do work on writing. Many students chose to stay in Rome for one day to visit the Vatican museums and Sistine Chapel.

Perusia Description by Leslie : Highlights from each day in Rome (audio/x-wav)
Description by Megan of free days in Rome : Highlights from each day in Rome (audio/x-wav)
Whitney and Paul describe the Amalfi Coast : Highlights from each day in Rome (audio/x-wav)

For those who stayed in Rome, an often-cited highlight was the dinner at Dino & Toni with Shawn. This restaurant did not provide a menu. Instead, the waiters brought several traditional dishes out for the guests to enjoy.

Florence left the impression of great shopping on the students who visited for the day. Leather goods were a popular purchase, especially leather journals.

The students who visited the Amalfi coast enjoyed the ferry ride to Sorrento and the 1200 stairs leading from the beach to the hostel. They describe the water as "a little chilly, but warm once you got in." When asked for a highlight, "the beach" in its entirety was the candid answer.

I was among the group of students who stayed on the isle of Capri near Naples. The island is green and beautiful, with two small towns. We stayed in Anacapri, the smaller of the two towns. A highlight for us was the hike up to the tallest mountain on the island. This brief sojourn through the woods of Capri unintentionally became a five hour journey following red paint blotches that a group of Canadians had placed on rocks to mark a vague trail through the Capri wilderness. After traversing the ridge of one-third of the island and gazing down sheer cliffs at the Green Grotto, we arrived at the Blue Grotto. Having just missed the last boat through the caves, we swam in and marvelled at the beauty of the water that glowed blue inside the dark cave. The next day we spent several hours on a private beach, enjoying the salt waters of the Mediterranean off of Marina Piccola.

For many students, the highlight of their two free days was simply the opportunity to relax or leave Rome for a few days. The beaches of Southern Italy in particular provided welcome rest and an opportunity for sunbathing to take priority over writing.

For Cara, a jellyfish provided an unforgettable opportunity to explore the Italian medical care available in spray form at a local bar.

Blue Grotto

This photo was taken from inside the Blue Grotto. In this image you can see the mouth of the cave with the warm sunlight streaming through. The most beautiful aspect of this natural cave is the color of the water, as it appears to glow blue when viewed from inside the cave. Three students swam into the cave through the mouth and witnessed the tranquil flourescence of the water alongside a few other tourists who also ventured into the cave. Yet another student chose to take the boat ride through. The five minute ride tok passengers through the room pictured here and also through a larger chamber. The only thing missing from this image is the sound of the gorgeous water lapping against the walls of the cave. The gentle sounds of the tide and the enchanting hue of the water provide an unmatched experience for any visitor.