View Page: Santa Prassede
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Santa Prassede
Santa Prassede 1 of 1

3: Would you please pass the bok choy?

2: So, what did you guys think about today?

1: Well you know, after Saint Peter’s it was all kind of anticlimactic.

2: Really?

1: Well yeah, I mean there is a reason why all those people were there.

2: Ugh, Tourists, I think that’s why I couldn’t stand it.

1: So what about the Pantheon?

2: Hmm, what about the Pantheon?

1: You liked the Pantheon and there were tourists there.

2: It’s more like: I liked the Pantheon despite the tourists. I guess when it comes to churches I prefer something more like that smaller one we just visited… you know that one with those sisters.

3: Santa Prassede

2: Yeah that one. It was so personal and warm.

1: You liked that little church more than Saint Peter’s Basilica?

2: Yeah.

3: Would…

1: Yes?

3: Would you pass the beef?

1: So what was it exactly that you liked so much about that Santa Prassede?

2: I don’t know—it really felt personal.

3: You already said that.

1: Okay… I liked how it felt like a small community church, with

2: Do you really think people still go to that church? Because I didn’t see many Romans.

2: I don’t know, but that’s how it felt. It felt like a small personal little church where people could actually sit down and commune with God. Saint Peters seemed too big for that.

1: But what about all that cheesy decoration, and that… what do you call it when they paint in fake marble ledges and things?

3: Being poor.

2: I don’t know what it is, but I found the faux marble at Santa Prassede charming. It’s so imaginative.

1: How is painting fake pillars and ledges more imaginative than the real pillars and carvings of Saint Peters?

3: The pork please.

2: Which one?

3: The sweet and sour.

1: Don’t you think that if they had the means they would have made Santa Pressede big and grand like Peter’s?

2: But I don’t really think that’s the point. There’s something about the struggle and the growth in Santa Pressede that I really like. I mean that church feels like it was built by people, slowly over generations.

1: Yeah, you can tell. Nothing matches, not the pillars nor the frescos, and look at how you enter the church—from the side. What’s so bad about good design? I like how Peter’s is built up from a single idea. When I walk in I’m overwhelmed by the size, the effort, the complete grandeur. Where else can you see this?

3: Speaking of the pillars I’m not sure I can forgive the ransacking of ancient ruins.

2: Yah, but all these churches are built from stolen marble.

1: At least Peter’s is ashamed enough to hide it though.

2: You’ve been pretty quiet so far, which is your favorite?

3: Church? Oh, being hell bound and all I can’t stand them.

1: Why the heck did you come to Rome then?

3: For the Chinese—Clearly.